Pokédex Dreams

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From Bulbasaur's bulb, a seed of dreams,

To Mew's final form, a mystery's gleam.

A hundred fifty strong, the Kanto crew,

A symphony of types, both old and new.

Charmander's flame, a fiery desire,

Squirtle's brave heart, a quenchless fire.

Pikachu's spark, a friendship's hold,

Evolved by love, a tale untold.

Caterpie's inch, a slow change takes flight,

Butterfree's wings, a dazzling sight.

Pidgey's keen eye, the skies it scans,

Pidgeot's swift soar, across the lands.

Rattata's scurry, a frantic chase,

Raticate's hunger, a fearsome face. 

Spearow's sharp beak, a hunter's call,

Fearow's mighty cry, echoes through all.

Ekans's slither, a silent threat,

Arbok's cold coil, a deadly net.

Sandshrew's tough hide, in desert's heat,

Sandslash's sharp claws, a warrior's feat.

Nidoran lines, a poison's touch,

Nidoqueen's power, a mighty clutch.

Clefairy's moonlight dance, a lullaby's grace,

Clefable's melody, a calming space.

Vulpix's nine tails, a fiery charm,

Ninetales's wisdom, keeping all warm.

Jigglypuff's song, a sleepy delight,

Wigglytuff's marker, sets wrongs to right.

Zubat's blind flight, a haunting screech,

Golbat's dark wings, hidden in reach.

Oddish's bulb, a grassy surprise,

Gloom's pungent scent, with tearful eyes.

Paras and Parasect, a fungal bond,

Venonat's flutter, a stinging frond.

Diglett's trio, a burrow they make,

Dugtrio's tremors, the earth to shake.

Meowth's sly grin, a coin it seeks,

Persian's elegance, power it speaks.

Psyduck's headache, a constant plight,

Golduck's psychic might, shining so bright.

Mankey's fury, a primal rage,

Primeape's strength, unleashed on the stage.

Growlithe's loyalty, a faithful friend,

Arcanine's fierceness, that knows no end.

Poliwag's tadpole, a playful splash,

Poliwhirl's swirl, a joyous dash.

Poliwrath's strength, a wrestler's hold,

Evolving forms, a story unfolds.

Abra's teleport, a mind so quick,

Kadabra's spoons bent, with a mental trick.

Alakazam's wisdom, vast and deep,

Psychic powers, secrets to keep.

Machop's muscles, a builder's might,

Machamp's four arms, a fearsome sight.

Bellsprout's vine, a grasp so tight,

Victreebel's flower, a venomous bite.

Tentacool's jelly, drifts in the sea,

Tentacruel's grasp, a chilling decree.

Geodude's rocky shell, a sturdy form,

Graveler's evolution, weathering the storm.

Magnemite's pull, a magnetic draw,

Magneton's link, defying the law.

Farfetch'd leek, a treasured prize,

Doduo's double head, with watchful eyes.

Deoxys's form, a cosmic twist,

Legendary birds, with elemental list,

Articuno's freeze, a glacial hold,

Zapdos's lightning, a crackling bold.

Moltres's flames, across the sky,

Mewtwo's creation, a questioning cry,

And lastly, Mew, a phantom's trace,

The first of them all, an enigmatic case.

So sing of the 151, a legend's start,

Their battles and bonds that touch the heart.

Kanto's creatures, forever they'll stay,

Inspiring trainers, each and every day.

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