My Raven-Haired Love

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Your hair, a raven's wing, a midnight gleam, It frames your face, a beauty like a dream.

But love, it goes deeper, beyond what I see, A love for you, Caitlin, entirely for me.

A hundred percent, my heart beats your name, You're sunshine and laughter, a love that's untamed.

My everything, my solace, my guiding star bright, You chase away shadows, and fill my world with light.

When darkness descends, and doubt fills my mind, Your hand finds mine, a comfort I can't unwind.

You pick me up gently, with a love so profound, A haven of kindness, where peace can be found.

You care for my spirit, my worries you mend, A love that endures, till the very end.

Together we face them, the storms and the strife, A team, hand in hand, for a beautiful life.

And oh, how you cherish those creatures so sweet, The baa of the sheep, the gentle goat's bleat.

A love for all beings, a heart big and true, It mirrors the love, Caitlin, I hold for you.

So here's to our journey, with laughter and tears, Through sunshine and rain, dispelling all fears.

With you by my side, my love ever strong, We'll conquer them all, in a love that belongs.

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