Beyond the Binary Line

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A heart that blooms in shades of grey,

Not bound by blue, nor swept by stray

Pinks of roses, preened and planned,

I am a world of shifting sand.

The boxes built of "he" and "she"

Confine a soul that longs to be

More than a label, neatly placed,

A melody in freer space.

The moonlit stream, the sunlit peak,

I hold them both, emotions speak

In whispers soft and crashing tides,

A symphony where gender hides.

Not man, not woman, yet all these,

A tapestry of flowing seas,

Of starlight bright and forest deep,

A boundless soul, I wake and leap.

They are my pronouns, strong and true,

Reflecting skies of endless hue,

For in this space I find my home,

Unbound, unlabelled, finally known.

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