Chapter 3: The Duke's Cold Decree

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Everything had changed.

The wet nurse had not returned, and she always ate bread and meat, fresh vegetables and fruit. Her closet was filled with colorful dresses.

More than anything, what had changed was this.

"Uh, you?"

The one who answered was I, with young Esella by my side.

I had never seen such a lovable being in the world. She was a girl with beautiful silver hair neatly combed. The lady touched her apple red cheeks and spoke affectionately.

"Yes. This is your sister Olivia. This is Esella."

Three year old Esella looked so beautiful, like an angel that would vanish if you touched her.

"You're like an angel."

"Esella. Olivia says you're an angel."

Esella smiled brightly. Olivia, who had been staring in awe at her, murmured blankly.

"Esella, Miss."


The lady slightly frowned.

"Just call her Esella. After all, you are sisters now."

"But, the wet nurse told me to call her Miss."

"The wet nurse was wrong."

Can I dare call the name of such a pretty child?

But the lady was nodding sincerely. Olivia called her name very softly.

"Es, ella."

Esella smiled brightly, recognizing her name.

I felt strange. Just a few days ago, I thought I should never have come here, but now I was so happy.

The lady even showed me a portrait. It was a portrait of two angel like boys.

"The older one is 11 year old Conrad. The younger one is 8 year old Jade. Just call them big brothers like Esella. Conrad is at the academy, and Jade will be back soon."

As soon as the lady finished speaking, a loud boy's voice was heard in the mansion.



The lady, still holding Esella, abruptly stood up and left the room. Olivia hesitated for a moment before following.

A boy who had run up the stairs clung to the hem of the lady's dress.

"Jade. Our baby. Did you have fun?"

"I hate you, Mom. You sent me to Grandma's house all of a sudden."

"I'm sorry, baby. But you wanted to see Mom, right?"


The silver haired boy grinned bashfully. Olivia's heart throbbed. The lady and the boy looked just like her mother and herself a few months ago.

"But who's she?"

The boy looked at Olivia. Ah, um. The lady hesitated for a moment, then smiled broadly.

"Jade. This is Olivia. ...Your sister."

"Sister? Besides Esella? But she's bigger than Esella?"

"Yes. She's 6 years old."

Jade smiled openly at Olivia without any doubt. Olivia thought it was only natural.

But not Conrad.

[This is the time separator]

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