Chapter 2: Silent Whispers

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The carriage had arrived at a beautiful and magnificent mansion.

Olivia looked up at the mansion. Unknowingly, she felt intimidated by its extravagant exterior. A large carriage stood in front of the entrance. The door of the carriage opened, and a man stepped out.

He was a handsome man who instantly caught the eye, but what captured Olivia's attention was undeniably his silver hair, as cold as moonlight.

She had never seen hair the same color as her own before.

So Olivia blurted out,


Even without an answer, her intuition told her that this man was the father her mother had spoken of. The man's eyes slowly turned towards Olivia.

The moment their eyes met, Olivia felt something in her body drop heavily. That man, that is to say, her father.

He did not welcome her.

"Clearly, I need to assign you a manners tutor first."

His cold voice reached her ears.

A brown haired man quickly gestured to those beside the gate. Soon, the door opened silently.

From the jewel like twinkling ceiling lights to the carpet on the floor. The mansion had a warm and pleasant smell. Her father walked briskly inside, and Olivia, not knowing what to do, followed him.

"Geo, you've come."

Then it happened. A gentle voice suddenly stopped. A beautiful woman descending the stairs widened her eyes and looked at Olivia.

Olivia had never seen such a beautiful woman except for her mother.

"Geo, who exactly is this child?"

"Heizel, I told you I wouldn't send our Esella to the palace. I needed a child to send instead of Esella."

An incomprehensible conversation went back and forth. The woman, seemingly in shock, dashed back upstairs.


Her father followed her. Olivia, left alone in an instant, clenched her fists.

People appeared from somewhere, murmuring.

"The bloodline of Madelleine seems accurate. That desirable silver hair."

"What's going on? I never thought the Duke would do such a thing."

"Green eyes, mixed with such common blood in the noble Madelleine."

Though she did not fully understand, she knew it was not good. Then it happened. Clap, clap applause and someone appeared.

"Everyone, go back to your work."

At the old gentleman's appearance, people quickly vanished. The old gentleman looked at Olivia.

"Nice to meet you, miss. I'm Albert Langchaison, the servant of the Madelleine household."

His voice was gentle, but the servant's eyes did not smile.

"...I'm Olivia."

"You must be tired; let me show you to your room first. Anna."

At the servant's words, an older woman came forward.

"Bathe the young lady and guide her to her room."

That was the end of the conversation. Neither lunch nor dinner was offered, and no one asked Olivia about such things. She missed her mother.

[This is the time separator]

"She, from the look in her eyes, seems wicked; her mother must have been a street performer. Esella and she are worlds apart."

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