Chapter 9: Hallows Eve Fun and The Troll

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Luciana Malfoy Dressed up as Madam Pomfrey

The halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were buzzing with excitement as the students prepared for the annual Halloween celebration

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The halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were buzzing with excitement as the students prepared for the annual Halloween celebration. As the Forbidden Five - Astrea Black, Cassiopeia Potter, Ivy Lestrange, Lucy Granger, and Alissa Malfoy - made their way to their first class of the day, Transfiguration, they could hardly contain their excitement.

Professor McGonagall, their Transfiguration teacher, was both shocked and proud to see the students carrying on the legacy of the Marauders to the next generation. She couldn't help but reminisce about the time when the Marauders dressed up as school professors for Halloween. A smile spread across her face as the students entered the classroom.

"Ooh Miss Black, Miss Potter, Miss Lestrange, Miss Granger, and Miss Malfoy! What a surprise!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed. "Is that supposed to be me, Miss Black?" she asked, still smiling.

"Yes Professor. I'm dressed as you, Cassie as Moaning Myrtle, Ivy as Professor Sprout, Lucy as Madam Pomfrey, and Alissa as Professor Snape!" Astrea replied cheekily.

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but be amused at the girls' costumes. "Oh my! You've done Professor Snape very well too. Happy Hallows Eve then! Get to your seats now before you lose them!" she said, chuckling.

The girls received praise from Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey as well. However, Professor Snape was furious with them and took ten points each from Gryffindor, and moaning Myrtle chased them out of the girl's bathroom for "imitating her." Even other professors, ghosts, and Dumbledore were smiling at the Forbidden Five's costumes. They also visited Hagrid to wish him a great Hallow's Eve.

"Happy Hallows Eve, Hagrid!" Ivy greeted him.

"Aww... Yeh's just like yer brother. Goodman, Harry," Hagrid said, mistaking her for Harry Potter. Ivy rolled her eyes at the mistake.

"Anyways, let me get some tea fer yeh. How's Hogwarts? Well, I'd always say it's the best place to grow up fer a lot like yeh," Hagrid continued.

"Yeah, the school term's okay, Hagrid," Cassiopeia replied.

As the day went on, the students continued to enjoy the Halloween festivities. The Forbidden Five's costumes were the talk of the school, and they couldn't have been happier with the way things turned out. It was a Halloween they would never forget.

The Halloween feast at Hogwarts was in full swing, with students happily chattering away while indulging in the delicious food. But amidst all the festivities, a sense of unease was starting to settle in. Hagrid had dropped a bombshell about the Philosopher's Stone, and the prospect of it being stolen had the students on edge.

Astrea, Lucia, Cassiopeia, and Ivy had all been caught up in the excitement of the evening, but Alissa was still reeling from Hagrid's revelation. As they left the Great Hall, Alissa turned to her friends, "I can't believe we forgot all about the Philosopher's Stone! What if someone really is trying to steal it?"

Cassiopeia nodded in agreement, "I know right? But I'm not sure about Snape stealing it. I don't know why but I feel suspicious about Quirrel. I mean who is afraid of their own teaching subject?"

Ivy chimed in, "That's true. But we cannot prove it yet."

As they made their way through the castle, the students suddenly heard Professor Quirrel shouting, "Troll! Troll in the Dungeons! I thought you ought to know." The students started panicking, and Dumbledore had to intervene to calm them down.

As the prefects led their respective houses to their common rooms, Astrea and Lucy followed the Slytherin prefects, while Alissa, Ivy, and Cassiopeia followed Percy Weasley. But Harry had other plans - he needed to warn Hermione, who was still in the girls' bathroom. Alissa and the Gryffindor girls decided to help Harry, and they headed towards the bathroom.

As they reached the bathroom, they saw the troll smashing everything in sight. Hermione was trapped in one of the stalls, and the boys had accidentally locked her inside with the troll. Ivy scolded them, "You Dumbos!!! You've locked up the troll with Mione!! We need to save her!"

Without wasting any more time, Cassiopeia cast the levitating charm on the troll's bat, while Harry stuck his wand up the creature's nose. Hermione took advantage of the momentary distraction and made a run for it. In the end, it was the quick thinking of the students that saved the day.

The incident left the students shaken, and they realized that Hogwarts was not always the safe haven they thought it was. But they also learned that they could rely on one another in times of crisis and that together, they could face even the toughest challenges.

The air was thick with tension as the group stood before the teachers, each of them feeling the weight of their actions. Alissa couldn't help but feel relieved that her twin sister was safe, even if she felt guilty for not being there to help. As the professors arrived, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness in her stomach.

But it was Hermione who spoke up, taking responsibility for her actions and admitting her mistake. Alissa couldn't help but admire her bravery, even if it had caused them all a great deal of trouble.

As the teachers handed out their punishments and rewards, Alissa couldn't help but feel grateful for the twenty five points they had earned, even if it was for sheer dumb luck. She knew that they had all been incredibly lucky to come out of the encounter with the troll alive, and she was determined to never underestimate the dangers of the wizarding world again.

As they made their way back to the common room, Casscouldn't help but wonder about Professor Quirrell's behavior. Something about him had seemed off, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more going on than they knew. But for now, she was content to relax with her friends and revel in their victory over the troll.

Author's notes - Hi guys! I got this idea from this comic/illustration on Pinterest where the marauders dress as professors and the professors dress as Marauders lol

Author's notes - Hi guys! I got this idea from this comic/illustration on Pinterest where the marauders dress as professors and the professors dress as Marauders lol

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