Chapter 8: The Philosopher's Stone

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Days Pass, The Golden Five are doing great in studies. Even Cassiopeia and Lucy were seen laughing and talking instead of sulking. Cassiopeia also succeded in gaining the trust of her classmates, Especially Neville Longbottom. One sunny day Astrea and Lucy were seen Playing outside Hogwarts. Cassiopeia was tutoring Neville on Potions.Suddenly Ivy and Alissa come running towards them, Panting.

Astrea, Alissa, Lucy, Ivy, and Cassiopeia were huddled together, discussing something of utmost importance. "There's something called the Philosopher's Stone hidden at Hogwarts!!" exclaimed Alissa. The rest of the group gasped at this revelation.

"The Philosopher's Stone?" asked Lucy incredulously.

"Yes," confirmed Ivy. "And Harry says Snape's trying to steal it."

Cassiopeia's eyes widened as she heard this. "Wait, Did someone say the Philosopher's Stone?" she asked, looking around at the others. They all nodded in agreement.

"Any idea what the Philosopher's Stone is?" asked Astrea, her curiosity piqued.

Cassiopeia took a deep breath and began to explain. "The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It can transform any metal into pure gold and also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal. And wait...Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone! He was a friend of Dumbledore!"

"Wait, is that apart from a book?" asked Ivy, trying to understand.

"Well, the first part was," replied Cassiopeia. "But the last part was from Dumbledore's chocolate frog card."

"So, why does Snape want it?" asked Astrea, still confused.

"Duh... It makes people immortal!" exclaimed Astrea.

"I don't think he'll need the Philosopher's Stone. There are options for that. And he might certainly know about them!" interjected Lucy.

Cassiopeia nodded in agreement. "You have a point there. But what is the Philosopher's Stone doing here?"

"Someone dangerous might want to steal it," suggested Ivy. "When we went to Diagon Alley, Hagrid told us that Hogwarts is the safest place in the wizarding world."

"Dangerous? Who can be dangerous that much?" asked Alissa, her voice trembling slightly.

"Don't you get it?" said Ivy, her voice growing more urgent. "Snape doesn't want it for himself, he wants it for Voldemort!"

"We should do some research about this," suggested Cassiopeia.

"Wait, isn't the corridor to the 3rd floor restricted? Why is it restricted?" asked Astrea, her mind racing with possibilities.

"I have a theory that the Philosopher's Stone might be there!" exclaimed Lucy excitedly.

"Theory or not, we should really check what's going on there," agreed Cassiopeia.

"Shall we do that now then?" asked Astrea, eager to take action.

The rest of the group exchanged glances and then shook their heads in unison. "No, in the evening!" they said in unison.

"Okay then," agreed Astrea, feeling relieved that they had a plan of action.

Unfortunately, The Children forgot all about the Philosopher's Stone in the Evening and didn't get a chance to visit it.

Author's Notes - How's the Book so far? I hope you like it.

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