Chapter 64

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Akira is suddenly sent flying through the doors of the vault and into the lobby of the Tower, hitting the floor with a grunt of pain. He has his Ryugan activated.

Sakuya has her left fist clenched as she and Homura stalk forward. "If you think I'm just going to let you walk in here and take what you want, think again!"

With a cry of exertion, she swings her fist forward, only for Akira to dodge. Sakuya's fist collided with the floor, forming a massive crater.

Akira does a set of hand signs. "Fire Style: Dragon Bullet!" A huge dragon of fire forms and roars towards Sakuya.

She sees the fountain in the center of the room and quickly does her own set of hand signs. "Water Style: Water Formation Wall Jutsu." Water swirls around her in a rectangular form and blocks the Fire Style Technique.

She does another set of hand signs. "Water Style: Moon's Pull Jutsu."

Sakuya lifts the water from her previous Jutsu and thrusts it at Akira. He dodges but she sends out another blast again, again and again, until, with a grunt of effort, she manages to knock Akira on his face with another blast of water.

He scowls, leaning up on his hands, "I see you've gotten stronger in the past seven years."

Akira does a set of hand signs. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

He sends mini fireballs at her but Sakuya uses her Moon's Pull Jutsu to block them. She then sends out a wave of cherry blossoms at him.

Akira dodges it.

Outside, Kakashi slashes his kunai against another Ryuzaki before looking back at the Tower worriedly, hearing the sounds of thuds and fighting. "What in the world is going on in there?" He demands to know before dodging a fireball from a Ryuzaki.

Ayame follows his gaze before trapping a couple of Ryuzaki in a sphere o petals and responds, "I wouldn't worry too much about Sakuya."

Kakushi gazes at the pink haired woman who sends out petal darts and knocks another woman back with the Petal Pillar Jutsu before agreeing, "You're right."


Back in the Tower, Sakuya continues to block Akira's Phoenix Flower Jutsu, and the occasional Fire Stream Jutsu with her Moon's Pull Jutsu.

Sakuya shoots water at Akira, knocking him back against the wall. She forms ice spikes along it with her Snow Control Jutsu and Akira is forced back against the wall.

Akira flings more balls of fire at her.

Sakuya blocks them but Akira gets in close and tries to burn her left shoulder. Sakuya dodges and thrusts more water at him, along with a blast of cherry blossoms.

Akira slips by the attacks and tries to sneak towards the stairs leading to the vaults, only for Homura to lunge at him with fangs bared. He jumps back, but he's met with a blast of water from Sakuya.

She then thrusts her arms forward from side to side and water lifts Akira up against the wall, before Sakuya thrusts him back to the floor, hard.

She wipes the sweat off her brow and turns to Homura. "It's over, girl! Let's go tell the others."

Honura huffs in agreement, but before they could do that, Sakuya hears a noise from behind her and turns just in time to see Akira running towards her, his golden eyes burning with a furious fire.

Before Sakuya could block or dodge, Akira swings his tightly clenched fist forward and it connects to Sakuya's jaw, sending her sprawling.

Sakuya hits the floor and loses consciousness.

Homura snarls and lunges for Akira. He takes out a kunai and stabs it into her right side. The nekomata's red orbs jerk wide at the pain and she drops to the floor beside her partner.

Homura tries to stand but couldn't sue to the pain, and reverts to her neko form.

"You had absolutely no hope of defeating me, princess," Akira tells the unconscious girl. He holds up his hand, fingers clenched. "Now, the secrets of your clan are mine!"


"Cease this fighting at once!" A voice calls out, causing everyone to stop fighting and whirl around.

Sanna had been hit with a massive fireball and Mika has a broken leg, being supported by Misaki.

"Sakuya!" The Leaf and Blossoms ninja cry out, seeing their friend being held by the wrist by Akira, a bruise on her jaw, an injured miniature Honura held in her other arm. Guilt is written all over her features as Akira holds up the scroll of Fujikami Jutsus and secrets.

Saki's face pales.

Haru snaps, throwing his arm out for emphasis, "Let her go, Akira!!"

"I don't think so," He says, sneering.

Naruto shouts angrily, "Why, you...! You have what you want!! Why not let Sakuya-chan go?!"

"Because I've also desired the power of the Fujikami clan. Soon, the world will know the secrets of the Fujikami clan."

"No, no!" Saki cries, tears pricking her eyes.

"Don't even try to come after us, or I'll hurt your precious princess," Akira threatens before he starts walking away, dragging the pink haired girl with him.

The other Ryuzaki follow their leader.

Naruto grits his teeth so hard that he feels the enamel about to break, but he ignores it. As Akira continues to drag Sakuya away, towards the beach where he'd hidden his clan's ship, Naruto feels his anger burst to the surface before he cries out in a rage and charges forwards.

"Naruto, no!!" Kakashi exclaims, but he was too late to stop the blonde.

Sakuya gasps as Akira whirls around, fury on his features. He tucks the scroll in his pants pocket and whips out a kunai.

"Naruto-kun! Look out!!" Sakuya screams as she's suddenly thrown back. Naruto swings his fists and dodges the kunai. At first. He throws out his leg to kick Akira but he dodges and punches Naruto onto his back.

"I'm not ever letting you take Sakuya-chan away!! You hear me?!" Naruto screams furiously.

"You little brat! You'll regret that!" Akira snaps. To everyone's shock, instead of plunging the kunai into Naruto, he whirls around and plunges it into Sakuya's chest, causing her to go rigid.

Her comrades gasp as Naruto freezes, feeling his heart rate speed up.

He sees Sakuya's smiling face flash through his mind and hears her giggling echoing in his ears. His best friend... is dead?

She can't be!

Then, Naruto feels a burning sensation, like that time on the bridge in the Land of Waves when Sasuke was hurt badly by Haku Yuki's senbon.

And red chakra bursts around him, in the form of a fox.

Kakashi, Kurenai, Hotaru and Asuma gasp fearfully as they recognise the red chakra:

It was the Nine Tails taking over Naruto.

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