Chapter 31

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

I meet Gaara's and Kankuro's gazes from across the arena. While Kankuro blushes at me for some weird reason, Gaara's face remains cold.

I just send the two a small smile, causing Kankuro to blush further, before I return my attention to the match. Hayate calls, "Begin!"

When Temari tilts her head at Tenten, she jumps back to give them room.

Lee cheers, "Alright, Tenten! Keep her guessing!"

Guy adds, "Go for it!! You've got the power of youth!"

"Come on, Tenten! Send that girl back to her village on a stretcher! We are right behind you all the way, Tenten!"

Guy throws up his arm as he cheers, "Let's hear it! 10, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?!"

Lee cheers. "Whoooo!!"

"Tenten! Tenten! Tenten!"

I cover my ears as I heave a groan of exaggeration and both my eyes twitch violently. Ren does the same while Kyo just sighs in annoyance and closes his eyes. Naruto groans, covering his own ears as well, "How'd I get stuck with the cheering section?!"

"Weren't you doing the exact same thing as before, Naruto-kun?" I remind him, causing him to give me a deadpan expression.

Hayate grumbles, "What are you waiting for? I did say to begin."

"Huh! Guess she's waiting for me to make a move," Says Temari. "Big mistake, because the first move I make will be the last one you see!" When Temari seps forwards, Tenten steps backwards. "Come on! I don't want this match to be over too quickly! So why don't you go first?" She points her thumb at herself, still grinning. "Come on, girl! Show me what you got!"

Tenten responds, "Well, ok, if you insist! Remember! You asked for it!" Tenten leaps into Uther air and throws a bunch of shuriken at the blue eyed girl. However, they seem to hit an invisible wall as they embed themselves on the ground at Temari's feet. Tenten lands in a crouch and raises her head to Temari, disbelief in her features. "I missed her?! There's just no way!"

"What was that?! A warm up exercise?! Or maybe you're a little nervous and it's effecting your aim, is that it?" Temari mocks, making Tenten scowl. "Dratz! I was hoping I'd at least work up a sweat! But forget that idea if this is the best you've got."

Lee cries, "What is going on?! How could she have missed?! It is incredible!"

Guy says, "It's impossible! Tenten's aim is perfect. She always hits her mark."

Neji inputs, "Not this time, she didn't."

Guy says again, "She never misses. There must've been something that made her miss." This startles Lee.


Kankuro states, sounding amused, "You know you can always count on Temari to put on a good show."

Gaara mutters uninterestingly, "Awe, big deal."

Shikamaru grumbles, leaning on the railing, "Awe, this is embarrassing." Naruto and I glance at him questioningly. "The Sand Village wins again."

I demand to know, glaring as I lean against Kakashi with my arms folded, "What are you talking about?! The match just started! There's no reason for you to count out Tenten-chan just yet, Pineapple Head!"

Shikamaru states pointedly, looking back at us, "It's over!"

Naruto complains, "Give me a break! What makes you so smart?! You explain it to me so I can understand!"

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