Chapter 6

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

"Are you three done? Or have you decided to give up now?" Our Sensei calls as Ren, Kyo and I break apart after us finished whispering my plan to them.

"Like we said before, Sensei: we're not going back to the academy!" The blonde shoots back before doing hand signs. "Crystal Release: The God's Crossings Technique!" He slams his hand on the ground and white spikes of crystal shoot up toward our Sensei.

She leaps backwards to avoid it but Ren was doing another set of hand signs.

Honura attacks first by sending out her Exploding Flame Shot technique. Hotaru avoids it as it explodes.

"Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance!" Ren calls out. He surrounds himself in pink crystal particles, condensing them into numerous shuriken that continuously revolve around him as he launches them at high speeds.

The shuriken fly at Hotaru at high speeds but she was quick to take out a kunai knife and deflect them with ease. Kyo makes his move next while I get ready to make my own move.

"Wind Release: Air Bullets Jutsu," Kyo says. The chakra infused bullets of wind shoot rapidly for our Sensei.

There's no way she can dodge both of these attacks!

Both the crystal and wind attacks hit Hotaru and engulf her in a smoke cloud.

"Haha! We did it!" Ren cheers, only to gape when the smoke clears and there's a poof. "Whaaa?!"

"A substitution!" Kyo gasps before he's kicked in the back and Ren is punched in the stomach, both boys groaning as they hit the ground.

"Water Release: Water Trumpet," Hotaru calls as she cups her mouth. She fires a huge jet of chakra infused water at my teammates.

Ren jumps to his feet and does hand signs. "Crystal Release: Crimson Fruit!" A dome of pink rose quartz crystal forms around him and Kyo, blocking the attack. "Are you ready yet, Sakuya?!" He glances back at me.

"Almost," I respond.

Homura attacks once again, swinging her class which the Jounin dodges. She then launches her Fire Dragon Bullet Jutsu, forming a massive dragon of fire from her mouth.

Hotaru counters it with her Water Trumpet Jutsu.

Kyo says, "Typhoon Release: Gust of Despair Jutsu." A tornado forms around him and a couple of trees and some soil is lifted up. Hotaru tries to launch her Jutsu at it but it's blocked by the wall of wind.

She leaps up and slams her Lightning covered fist into the ground in front of Kyo within the eye of the storm, cancelling it out as he screams and flies backwards.

Ren scowls before Kyo gets back up and does hand signs. "Wind Release: Wind Grenade Jutsu!" Kyo sends out a small sphere of wind infused with chakra. It rescues the Yuki before giving off a violent explosion that knocks her back with a cry.

She does hand signs as Kyo sends out another Wind Grenade. "Water Release: Wall of Forgetfulness!" Hotaru holds out her arms and a dome of water forms around her. Kyo's next exploding sphere hits it but doesn't affect the woman inside. Instead, the wind gets absorbed into the dome. Hotaru smiles as Ren and Kyo gape at her.

"Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance!" Ren calls, surrounding himself in pink crystal particles, condensing them into numerous shuriken that continuously revolve around him as he launches them at high speeds.

They fly for Hotaru but are also stopped by the dome.

"Water Release: Liquid Bullet!" Hotaru calls. A a huge bullet of water extends rapidly towards the boys. They were quick enough to dive sideways in order to avoid the attack.

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