Chapter 3

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Sakuya's P. O. V:

The following morning, at breakfast, I ask Kakashi, "So, um, what was the commotion about last night?" My cats were eating breakfast in a corner of the kitchen.

He asks, "You know about Naruto stealing the sacred scroll?"

"I don't know what happened but I saw some Chunin and Jounin searching frantically outside your apartment for him, and saying something about such a scroll. I'd also sensed you weren't in the apartment," I reply, putting some scrambled eggs in my mouth.

Kakashi says, "Well, Mizuki Sensei turned out to be a traitor and manipulated Naruto into stealing the sacred scroll for him, as it was kept hidden. It contains powerful Jutsu that has high risks, that's why it was hidden. Naruto ended up beating Mizuki to a bloody pulp with the Shadow Clone technique he'd learned from the scroll."

I stare at Kakashi with shocked eyes. "Naruto knows a forbidden Jutsu?!" I internally pout, wondering why I don't know the Shadow Clone Jutsu... "What happened to Mizuki afterwards?"

Kakashi's answers, "He got put in one of the most secure prisons."

I nod my head, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the thought. I'd known him for a few years, but Mizuki has now lost all my respect for him as a Sensei and ninja of the Hidden Leaf, especially since he'd tried to hurt Naruto.

I knew there was something off about him!

I quickly finish breakfast and wash up my dishes. I say as I turn back to Kakashi, "They're assigning the Genin squads today. I hope I'm on Kiba's and Hinata's team. I don't think I can tolerate being on anyone else's."

Kakashi smiles. He knows I sit next to Hinata Hyuga in class and that I'm good friends with her and Kiba. I'm also pretty good friends with Shiksmaru, Choji, Sakura and Ino, even though they thought I was after 'their' Sasuke.

After finally managing to convince them that I'm not the slightest bit interested in the Uchiha, we became friends. I even became friends with Sasuke, since I wasn't always fawning over him like everyone else.

I say, "Anyway, I have to get going."

I walk out the door and go let Kin out of his stall and throw him some hay. Giving him a hug, I head for the Ninja Academy. When I get there, I indeed see Naruto sitting beside Sasuke, a headband around his forehead.

I go up to Naruto and he looks at me. He grins as he says, fiddling with the metal part with the swirling leaf symbol on it, "Morning, Sakuya-chan! Look, look! I actually did it! I became a ninja last night!"

I smile back as I say, "Congrats, Naruto. I knew you could do it."

Naruto then grins, chuckling sheepishly. "Thanks, Sakuya-chan!"

Just then, I hear the sound of two pairs of running feet that make me think of a stampede. Huh? Is that a stampede...? I cock my head and Sakura and Ino suddenly burst through the door at the back of the room. Or, rather, they tried to, as they'd tried to get in at the same time, causing them to get stuck briefly. They eventually got into the room and shove against each other's faces.

"I'm first!!" Ino and Sakura yell triumphantly.

They slump their shoulders as they breathe heavily. Ino smirks at the pinkette as she says cockily, "I win again, Sakura!"

"Give it up! I had to look back to see you. My toe was at least a tenth of an inch ahead!" Sakura says.

Ino asks, "Have you always been this delusional?"

Naruto swivels his head and his blue eyes widen as a goofy grin stretched across his face, along with a scarlet blush. He averts his eyes shyly when Sakura seems to smile at him, though I can tell her gaze is on the Uchiha next to Naruto.

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