Chapter 1: starting a new path

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It was a beautiful night out. Many families were either in their homes or out at dinner enjoying themselves, they were free at night as many others would not care for what they did or what was done. Some people might be working a night shift or even just taking a stroll to find peace with themselves, and everything, and everyone was free to do whatever they wanted. However, that wasn't the case in this world. The three lords of Solaria have made direct changes to the people living in their homes, the poor suffered more as the rich became richer causing outrage to disperse around the entire world which soon led to Solaria´s demise.

Inside the local town bar was a strong man dressed in all black, his metal skull mask covering his face raised much interest but no one dared to ask him about it. The bartender notices the man without a drink and walks over to him, hoping to take an order.

Bartender: Hello sir, can I offer you a drink? The bartender was feeling nervous as he waited for an answer

The man looks at the bartender with a curious expression but it is hidden due to his mask.

??: squash the man said give me a light squash.

Bartender: Ah! What a nice choice sir the man pulls out a small notebook could I get your name?

As the man was about to answer the front doors of the bar were kicked open, and everyone in the bar had a shocked look on their faces. The two guards walked in as one of them pulls out a wanted poster.

Guard: Listen up you mugs! he holds the paper high for everyone to see we have a wanted man on the loose for disrespecting one of the three lords, if you see him let a guard know immediately.
The Bartender was in complete shock when he saw the poster, it was the man in black who was wanted. He looked at the man sitting in front of him completely still and not wanting anything to do with the situation.

Bartender: he whispers you are Onyx c-correct?

The named man, Onyx, puts a 5-dollar bill on the counter as he nods, the guards notice this action and start to get curious about him. One of the guards walks over to Onyx and pats his shoulder to somewhat get his attention.

Guard: you, turn around and face me the man said proudly

Onyx: he lets out a small puff you? Alright pal

Before the Guard could say something Onyx grabbed a bottle and smashed it across the guard's helmet, making him tumble backward as he was shocked by the sudden attack. The other guard alongside the other people is shocked at what just happened, before the still-standing guard can react he gets pushed through the front door, causing it to break into pieces but he falls onto the ground hard.

Onyx: huffs piece of trash.

Onyx makes the harsh remark before running off, the guard in the bar rushes out and helps the guard on the ground get back on his feet in a hurry.

Guard: Hurry! After him you idiot! he yells angrily

Both of the guards scurry after Onyx as he is running away, Onyx goes through alley after alley making it hard for both of the guards to catch up to him. Meanwhile, in another part of the town, a young boy at the age of 11 is playing pretend hero in the streets. His brown short hair flowed with the wind as he waved his wooden sword around, pretending to have a sword fight with evil.

??: HA! Take that you evil doers! he laughs to himself proudly I, Theo the hero will defeat you and save the world!

The young hero giggles to himself, he can´t help but laugh as he enjoys the time playing. He then looks around, noticing that nobody is there to play. Everyone was off doing their things, he was alone and wished there was someone new to play with. Suddenly there was a loud rumbling that could be heard from afar.

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