15. Departure

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the weekend had been a lot with Avrille and mom and dad and school was back in progress again, I needed to see somebody other than my "family", I wanted to see Tre.

I walk to his house as always, knocking at his door, only to turn around and him in the passenger seat in his dad's car. I head over to ask him why today was different from any other day but he quickly rolls up his window, seemingly ignoring me as his dad glares my way as they drive off. 

"..maybe it's because of the cold..." 

I nod to myself backtracking my way to school 




the bell rings as I sit in my chair next to Tre and look over to him 


he looks around ignoring me, acting as if i don't exist. 

"Tre? .... Tre. ... Tre?" 

the bell rings as everything sets in, I wonder what I did, i wonder if he just doesn't hear me. The familiar feeling of my throat closing and my hands shaking arises. What if he told everyone about friday? What if he told... my eyes started to water sitting in this classroom simply made things worse but I tried to keep a level head. I'll talk to him at lunch. 

Time skip to lunch~

I look around for Tre, the room fills up, making it harder to look for him. After a little while, I finally spot him, heading into the bathroom.

I nod in realization and hesitantly make my way to the mens-room, making my way in, forgetting the fact it was a bathroom. I stopped in my tracks, standing next to the door. There was Tre washing his hands.

I look at him like a deer in headlights, watching the water flow onto his hands, the bubbles form.

I slowly step towards him... "Tre" I swallowed the lump in my throat "Did... did I do something wrong?"

I take another step, he washes his hands harder, as if that would drown me out and make me disappear . . . as if I would think he doesn't hear me.

"I know you can hear me, Tre, what did I do to you?" I take another step

He storms over and dries his hand, huffing in anger.

"Can you stop ignoring me.... Please" I take another step, nearly arms length from him.

He sighs, knowing I wont leave him alone, knowing I just want answers and he just wants me gone. He goes to head out the door and I step in front of him.

"What did I do wrong?" I ask with my hands out in frustration.

For the first time in 3 days I see him look into my eyes "fine." he starts, "you want to know whats wrong?"

"If it's not too much to ask, Tre, yes"

Now we're face to face, talking with a strangled tone in a strangled situation.

"You. You're getting in my way, you're so clingy and honestly I think me being late because of you was the breaking point. You can't just leave me alone? You obviously don't think of me as a friend enough to keep promises."


He pulls my shirt collar down, revealing the bruises. My eyes widen


"You promise you won't hurt yourself anymore?"

He wraps up my tattered arm

"I promise, I'm sorry"

He didn't know why I did the things I did just that I did them, he's the only person in my life to treat me in such a way.


"Tre I swear this is all just a-"

"God, it's not even that, I need to get into a policing academy and people seeing me with a suicidal up and coming drunk they certainly aren't going to put a good word in for me, you can go and live on the streets with the commoners but I actually want to do something other than being a miserable, clingy,"



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