14. Sheriff

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Tre Pov;

A soft knock arrives at my bedroom door as I stirr in my bed.


"hm?" I rub my eyes, turing a bit to the open door 

"Get dressed, Hon. Breakfast is almost done" 

"Yes mom" I nod, watching my mother smile and shut the door.

I swiftly pull off my covers and head to my closet, shoving it open and putting on some slacks and a short sleeve button up. I brush off my shirt and go to the bathroom to do the same to my teeth.

I look in the mirror, looking at my major bed head and hunt for my comb and hair gel, slowly combing through my hair, watching the way my hair fell into its signature position. I quickly head downstairs, seeing Maroon helping my mom in the kitchen and my dad reading the news paper. "Anything new?" I look to my dad, making it known I was in the room. "Just the usual, street rats raiding the streets as always..." he sighs in disgust. I nod in agreement and pull out a chair. "Tre, your father needs to have a talk with you" my mom says as she brings a plate of pancakes to the table, "About what?" i look to her in a bit of confusion then to Maroon as she shrugs. "Well," she starts off, waving Maroon off to do what she needs to do so we could be alone "we just think-" she gets cut off my my dad "you can't keep hanging around that Stone boy anymore, he's a terrible influence, his parents aren't any better" he looks to me with a scowl that could kill. 

hearing this was a constant, I couldn't go a day without hearing his dislike of Mr. and Mrs. Stone, we'd have talks about it every morning before i walked with ----- to school. Dad has always hated his parents and they hated him, We are neighbors after all. 

"I couldn't, he doesn't have anybody else" i look to the utensils

"You have other friends ,Tre, i draw the line at him making you late. I've never trusted that little shit... I've never trusted him around you, he's a bad influence and yesterday proved it further. Don't you want to be a cop?"

"Yes but-"

"Then drop him. He's not going to do anything with his life."

I sit there for a moment processing what had been said, was he ruining my chances? Was he a bad influence? He was drinking yesterday... he wasn't going to go anywhere so... 

"Yes dad" 

He nods, satisfied in my final agreement to leaving him. I smile back at him, cutting my pancakes and eating with my family. 




He's not going anywhere...

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