🖤Farewell White Fang🤍

Start from the beginning

Weiss blushed a bit at the compliment and looked away. "Well from what I see my only options are to accept your help or sleep on the street. I don't exactly have anymore money. I just spent the last of it." She replied.

"Alright then. I'll take you back to my place. If it helps, I'll sleep outside of the bedroom and you can lock the door" Blake says, giving her a small, reassuring smile. She offers her a hand to shake.

Weiss frowned slightly but she shook her hand. "Alright then. Thank you for being so kind. A lot of people aren't so kind, knowing my family." She said softly. "Believe me I know. There's people out there who would have your head on a pike... sorry to darken the mood" Blake says. She turns around and starts heading to her place.

"Well you are right. A lot of people don't take kindly to me or my family. I have been kidnapped a few times in my life. Specifically by the White Fang." She sighed. "They've.....destroyed a lot of my life."

Blake stops for a second, not expecting that segment. "you've... been kidnapped before?" She asks, turning to her with a look of concern.

"You're surprised by that? The White Fang have kidnapped me at least 4 times." She said to her. "Usually it's for Ransome. Which my father paid to keep it quiet. Though one time it was just to hurt me then they let me go."

Blake looks at her even more surprised and a bit horrified. All this time, she thought the Fang couldn't get her hands on her and that once they finally did, they'd only threaten to hurt her but NEVER ACTUALLY hurt her. In fact, she was disgusted by her father treating it so nonchalant. "How can you treat this so casually? I mean... wasn't it traumatic?"

"Well I suppose it was but....you get used to it." She shrugged. "And I wasn't allowed to show how much it hurts or how scared I was since Father didn't want anyone knowing so I got used to burying it down. All the scars are covered with make up as well."

Blake frowns, feeling a lot of guilt and sympathy for her. She never expected this. She continues walking with her, but stays silent now as she was in thought.

Weiss looked over at her and tilted her head. "Sorry if I kinda put a bad tune on your mood. I know it's not the best thing to talk about. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it."

Blake snaps out of her thoughts and looks back at the Schnee "What? Oh no, it's okay really.... if anything you can talk to me about these things... If you don't mind me saying of course, I know it's a little odd" She says.

"I mean the last time it happened was about two years ago. I was 17 and I'm now 19 so yeah about that." She said with a nod. "It was a while ago but I suppose one day I'll have to open up. I can't keep it pushed down forever."

Blake nods in agreement as the two approach the little apartment that Blake was staying in. It was small but it was just her after all. Besides she didn't plan on staying here forever. "Bed's over there, bathroom is on the left. If you're hungry you can help yourself to whatever you'd like. Unless you'd prefer take out" Blake says. She was actually being sincere about the matter though.

"I suppose I could go for something to eat. But I think first things first is I'm in dire need of a shower." She said as she set her suitcase on the bed and grabbed a tank top and shorts out. "I'm going to go do that. Thank you again for taking me in." She said as she headed to the bathroom.

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