🖤Farewell White Fang🤍

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Written with BluebellePines

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Written with BluebellePines

It had been a few days since Weiss ran away from home. She didn't really know where she was going but she just knew she wanted to be away from her father. Currently she was just roaming the dark streets, her one suitcase in hand stuffed with Clothes and dust for Myrtenaster which was on her hip.

Blake was nearby on the rooftops of the city. She was just getting some fresh air mostly, thinking about the Fang and how Adam scared her the other day. She shakes her head of the thought once she sees a Schnee walking down the street. This was something she didn't expect to see but she was an opportunist. She could just snatch her up and take her but she'd rather not stir any attention. She takes off her mask and starts making her way down.

Weiss continued walking for a while, but she felt eyes on her. And then heard someone approaching. Her hand now resting on the handle of her rapier she spoke. "Is somebody there?" She said, her voice firm as she looked at where the sound was.

Blake made sure to take off her White Fang mask so she wouldn't scare the Schnee off. Blake rounded the corner carefully to approach her "Easy there princess. I don't think you're in any danger" she says, raising her hands up to show she had no weapon.

The smaller girl narrowed her eyes, her grip tightening on her weapon. "Just because you say that doesn't mean you aren't a threat. And don't call me that." She growled at the girl.

"Sorry. I believe introductions are necessary then... I'm Blake..." She says, knowing that this won't be an easy feat. She kept her hands up in view as well. Weiss gave a small hum, still a bit apprehensive. "I'm sure you can easily guess who I am." She said. "It's not like my identity is kept a secret from the world. Especially with the latest scandal."

"Oh believe me, someone who doesn't know your name is living under a rock" Blake says back to her. "But with that being said, What are you doing out here all alone? I know you can defend yourself but it's still dangerous to travel this way" Blake says, putting her hands back down.

Weiss pursed her lips slightly and looked away. "I...don't really have anywhere to go. I ran away because my father wanted me to marry some disgusting man to join our families." She told her.

Blake chuckles a bit "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh but that's just something I would do. But even so, it's still risky to come out here alone at night. Especially with your status and beautiful looks" Blake says, sneaking in a compliment there. "I'd offer you a place to stay but I doubt you'd trust a stranger, let alone a faunus at that."

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