"How on earth did you manage to do that?" He asked her.

"I'll explain later, so will you come?' She asked.

"Yeah sure i won't be long"

"Okay great, thank you" Normani grinned and hung up the phone.

"His coming?" Camila questioned.

"Yupp" Normani grinned walking over and sitting on the bar stool across from Camila at the breakfast table.

"So how are you two?" Camila questioned.

"We're good actually really good, we're both still slightly stressed about the whole baby thing but it's just one of those things i guess you know" Normani shrugged sadly.

"Still no luck?" Camila questioned.

"Nope, nothing" Normani sighed.

"Have you done a pregnancy test recently to make sure?" Camila questioned.

"Yeah i done one last night but it came back negative" Normani shrugged turning the packet around and stealing some of Camila's crisps.

"It'll happen when it is supposed to Mani, i believe that, when the time is right for you to have a child then it will definitely happen, you just have to go with the flow and let it happen naturally, maybe the fact that you're putting pressure on yourselves to have a child is the reason that it's just not happening, there can't be any stress involved, you just have to let it happen naturally"

"No i know, and we tried that, but then we really started wanting one you know, we see everyone else having babies around us and it became something that we have wanted so badly and it is just not happening for us, we have sex every night Mila, sometimes even twice but nothing is happening at all, and we can't understand it, i know the doctor said that i am not made for carrying children, but there is still a 15% chance, surely that must mean something right?" Normani sighed.

"Well maybe you guys just need to spend the day together, go out have some fun and let it happen naturally, maybe the fact that you're just having sex purely for the fact that you want a child is just not working for you, you're not enjoying it, or are you?" Camila questioned.

"No i am, don't get me wrong, he has always been good in bed, but i think you are right, it's become more about us trying to get pregnant than actually being intimate with each other"

"Then do as i suggested, both of you just take a day of, go to a theme park, ride the roller coasters, play the stupid games that you can never win, go out for a nice quiet meal and just spend quality time together, have fun, and if it leads to sex without being forced because of you wanting a baby, then just go with it, and enjoy it, try a few new things in the bedroom, just have fun with it and don't be too stressed about wanting to take a pregnancy test to see if it worked" Camila reached across and placed her hand on Normani's arm.

"Yeah i think we need to do it, it's been awhile since we have just had fun and been teenagers again you know, i miss being a teen" Normani pouted slightly.

"Me too, we were all forced to grow up pretty quickly, but i wouldn't change my life for anything" Camila shook her head and looked down at her baby bump.

"No i wouldn't either, i love my life, i just miss the kid things i guess" Normani shrugged.

"Well then go and do the kid things, hell if i weren't about to pop right now i would be coming with you acting like a child" Camila chuckled.

"Well let's do it, once that little nugget is out of you, we should all go out just the five girls and have a little fun, be kids again" Normani smiled.

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