Chapter 7: Weekends (2)

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(Author's note: There is a server to discuss regarding this story, if you're interested, join in!

Church, 13th of September 2015, Day time:

The sun shined through the clouds, wind breezed through the air, birds chirped while they stood on poles, roofs and cables. Then there's the church, standing in between other buildings. The large dark wooden door opened, the priest in black clothing stood by the door as he shaked hands with the people who attended the mass. There was Alisia, with her friends, that is Lily, Anoki, and Miyuki, all of them dressed with formal clothing, either a dress or a combination of a knee-lenght skirt, blouses, some with blazers.

While the four continued talking, there were the mothers of the four, wearing formal and feminine clothes, of long skirts and long sleeved clothes with different styles and colours. "Well, ladies. How about we head to that one restaurant in the intersection?" Maria suggested with a grin on her face.

Alisia looked back at Maria, nodded with a tired look. "Sure..." then followed with everyone agreeing.

"So, Mrs Anderson, I would love to know more about you! heard you once lived with Mister and Mrs. Harlington." Said Sarah in an excited tone.

The black haired woman that is Yua Anderson, just remained quiet, walking beside Maria while looking back and forth, left and right in a fast pace. Maria noticed and spoked to her, trying to ease her nerve "You don't need to be this cold, you're not in Japan anymore, and its safe! No need to be paranoid.." She placed her hand on Yua's shoulder with a reassuring look on her eyes.

Yua looked at Maria, before then sighing. "S-Sorry... I'm just, a bit paranoid for the moment.."

Some dinner restaraunt, 12th of September 2015, Day time:

The sun shined bright, penetrating through the blue transparent window. People were seen eating, and talking with each other. Most are familiar faces, like Jack, Isabelle, and some of the school's teachers. Most of them wearing formal clothes, as they seemed to have just came back from the church.

The four girls were sitting just beside their mother's tables, talking with each other. Yua sat beside Maria, while Sarah sat on the other side with Patricia. Miyuki can be seen talking non-stop, while Alisia just laying her head on the table, her eyes closed, tired.

Miyuki tried talking and even patting Alisia's hair, but just as she's about to lay a hand, Alisia moved her head and glared at Miyuki, her eyes staring daggers into her eyes, causing Miyuki to froze in fear, before then she moved her hands away in a slow manner.

"Oh my, your daughter sure is quite the chatterbox, only a week in and already got some friends, eh?" Sarah remarked.

Yua looked at Sarah, a bit surprised from her words, before then she replied back. "Y-Yes.. She is surpringly very active... Mrs. Carter." 

Then the server came, bringing food on the tray. "Is this table 11?"

Maria looked at the server, before then she nodded, "Yes, this is."

The server then placed the tray down, placing the plates on the table, before then heading back to the kitchen to deliver the other orders. Sarah then began opening a conversation. "So, Mrs Anderson, may I ask?" Sarah asked as she looked at Yua, which Yua then looked at her.

"Y-Yes?" Said Yua in a low yet stern tone.

"Well, I was just asking, I heard your family once lived close to Mrs. Harlington's family. Where and how was it?" Asked Sarah, as she looked at Yua with a look of enthusiasm on her eyes.

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