Chapter 5: Training (2)

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(Note: It was day 3 of the training, it was skipped since it was planned that day two of the training would be filled with punishment such as instead learning how to do marchings and drills under the heat of the sun and doing other physical exercises , due to the student's rambling and bickering in the first day of the training.)

(Another note: There is a server to discuss regarding this story, if you're interested in helping, join in! )

Old school garage, 12th of September 2015, Day time:

Everyone was waiting near the garage, already wearing their supposed tankery uniform, waiting for the instructors to arrive. Everyone's expression was but a tired one, with no motivation whatsoever.

"Yesterday was so tired... I feel like I can't move my legs..." Miyuki growled, as she sat on a log, lying her back against the wall. Stretching her legs out. 

"Stop complaining... Our fault for making Lieutenant Blais mad, guess he asked for physical training to the principal after we finished last training yesterday." Alisia said in a tired tone, before then reaching for her bottle of water, opening the cap to drink the content, releasing a sigh of relief, now feeling more hydrated from the heat of the sun. "Last night I didn't have much sleep either... The Captain told me to give him a full structure of the team and to email it to him because the president forgot to write it to him... Contacted everyone at night... Finished it in 9PM..."

Miyuki wanted to argue, but Alisia's last statement made her halt in her argument, she then sighed. "Fair.."

There was silence, before Alisia looked at Miyuki, "I see you've taken my advice." Said Alisia in a flat tone, still tired. 

"Yep... A bit hard just speaking English but..." Said Miyuki. "Maybe I can adapt here in short time..." she mumbled.

Then, a column of trucks was seen near the school gate, led by a small green willy jeep. On the trucks, attached each 2 or 3 cargo's on the mobile platforms, most are big, some are small. All of it covered in blue tarps. The students looked and waited in anticipation, wondering what would be under those tarps. Then, the willy jeep stopped in front of the garage, and the three instructors hopped out, wearing a lighter clothing due to the heat.

Alisia approached and asked the Captain, "What are behind those covers, Captain?"

The Captain looked at her, he answered. "Oh, those? Those are the tanks you'll be using, extra the Churchill in the garage of course."

Then suddenly, a student approached the Captain, that was Aiden McGregor, "Excuse me Captain, but may I have a request?"

The Captain looked at the student, before then responding with a curious look, wondering what he will be asking. "Yes, what is it Mr. McGregor?"

Lieutenant Blais stared at Aiden with a death glare unintentionally, waiting for him to speak, Aiden shivered in fear, but then Aiden built up his courage and spoke. "I checked on the Churchill two days ago and I found out that its engine is a bit... Rusty. Along with several other components, I think it needs to be repaired, but maybe it's better to be replaced with a better version like the Mk VIII."

The Captain responded, "Ah, the rust? Already taken care of when you were all on punishment yesterday." Then the Captain looked back towards the rest of the students. "Alright! Let's get this started. Head towards your group and we'll be starting our lesson for today, come on."

The Captain's group went back towards the garage to continue with his lectures, while the rest led by Lieutenant Blais and Dionne were guiding them towards the now unloaded tanks, still wrapped. Then Lieutenant Morrison orders, "Right, unwrap those tanks and we'll continue with our lesson today."

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