"Well, guess all that is left is to find somewhere we can do our tests." Lectro said.

"Searching local omni-net connections for suitable locations." B3 said.

"Yeah good luck finding a place here. These Ginza cities are dense, finding space to do anything like fire bending is gonna be a pain." Skeeve said, taking out a cigarette, "But I've been here a few times so maybe I could help find a spot for you guys."

"You ain't going anywhere Skiv!" Cetro shouted, "I brought you here for a reason and it's to help load in all our stuff, now get moving!"

"Guess the four of us will just have to manage, later Skeeve." Sev said, already walking off the platform.

"But-but I..."

"Move it Skiv!"

The four of them took a train transport to the main city that gave them a clear view of the dark frigid wasteland outside. The only light source being the bustling cityscape that came from the dome and various spot lights. Heat sources such as generators stuck out clearly to Azula in the darkness of the outside. She looked to the night sky and saw the source of her new found power hanging overhead.

The brown dwarfs looked like a campfire in the sky, its light so dim it could only illuminate the space around it. Such a strange phenomenon to her. It was difficult for her to comprehend the idea that such a sun could exist, but then again if someone told her a week ago that life existed past earth's sky she would have dismissed them as insane.

The train ride between the spaceport and the dome was short with their transport entering the city. Once inside Azula's new found thermal vision was assaulted by an almost blinding array of neon lights that lined the edges of just about every building.

Unlike Kazima's Horizon city this domed city was much denser with tall skyscrapers covered in neon and holographic signs huddled together almost built on top of one another, air vehicles darted past following invisible roads in the sky, multi level walkways acted as roads for foot traffic that was just as densely populated as everywhere else with hundreds of citizens marching through them like swarms of ants.

They exited the train station once in the city proper and began to trek on foot. The amount of heat sources were in such abundance that it was almost blinding to Azula. The combined body heat of the dozens of citizens and heating units that kept the space habitable made everything glow, from the people to even the very air around them. Everything just looked like a messy oil painting of glowing oranges, reds, whites and purples to Azula's eyes, so much so that she needed to squint hard in order to see anything.

"B3, have you found any locations that fit our needs yet?" Lectro asked the robot.

"I have identified several locations that fit the parameters of our experiment, many of which are located in the industrial district."

"Great! Maybe we can find an old warehouse to practice in."

"The last time I was in an abandoned warehouse I was assaulted by a group of Ke'Kuvon youths." Azula said as she rubbed her eyes in an attempt to clear her vision.

"You alright?" Sev asked.

"It's difficult to see."

"I imagine so, the city is kept fairly warm." Lectro looked at her eyes for any changes, "There are many species in the galaxy that see in the infrared spectrum who also find it difficult to see in environments like this. They usually wear visors to help with that. Maybe we can buy one at a local shop."

"Please because this is becoming a headache." She swatted his hand away when he tried opening her eye further.

"If you require assistance in navigation you may grasp my manipulator and I will lead you." B3 said while offering his metal claw to her.

Azula Amongst the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now