The Sun. (1)

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Sans POV:

The bright sun rays burst into view. Me and the rest of the monsters I know so well step forward into the light. Its beautiful. Mesmerising.

And yet, so, so familiar.

In fact, everything felt familiar. The jokes, the laughs, the ups and downs of the humans adventure through the underground up until now. It felt rehearsed, already done. A rush of deja vu coated it. And everytime I spoke, I felt like I was reading a script.

...who am I kidding with this monologue. Because I'm certainly not fooling myself.

The machinery in my personal lab. It isn't faulty, I made sure of it. And even if I don't remember a single bit of it, everything indicates to the fact that I've done this before.

727 times.

And then I heard my name, kicking me out of my own thoughts.

"-ns...What's that giant ball?"

Oh Papyrus, so adorably uneducated.

Actually no, he definetly knows what the sun is. He watches too many animes with Undyne to not recognise it.

"we call that "the sun", my friend." I humor him.

I don't see a point in listening to the others talk. After all, I've probably heard this already in some other timeline.


That's what I'd rather focus on right now.


That number, its engraved in my everything else.

Subtly, I take a look at the kid.

"Frisk". I said their name under my breath. No one heard it.

Who are you, Frisk? And what do you want..?

What did they do in the 727 other timelines? Were they nice like this one? Or did they kill...out of curiosity? Or maybe boredom.

Papyrus leaves to go meet the humans, something about making a good first impression.

Nows my cue to leave.

"someone's gotta keep him out of trouble." I state with a slight smirk. In any other circumstance, I would be keeping him away from danger. But I've got things to do.

I walk towards the underground and no one bats an eye. Either they are still mesmerised by that hypnotic glare of the sun or they are just too used to me goofing off with my shortcuts.

"see ya guys"


My lab, my hidden chamber storing my darkest truths.

It doesn't comprise of much, really. Not to the naked eye. Anyone stumbling into here would just find old blueprints and a remnant of a forgotten project. In reality, it holds a lot more.

I take my hand out of my pocket. My right hand. I place it on a specific tile on the wall to the right of the machine. There's no way to tell anything is amidst with the wall, and yet this simple action causes it to fall into the floor revealing the second half of this room.

Really, did anyone actually think I could work in the miniature space the other half gave me?

"I haven't got much time, so let's finish up here" I state to nobody.

In the hidden depths of the lab, there were a couple key things to remark about. Firstly, the monitor next to my computer. It monitored the state of the timelines. Whenever someone messed with space and time, it would show there. In practice, there's not alot I could do when someone did go back, after all, it technically never happened. But still, knowledge is key.

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