Pain and bloodshed

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The war was almost at peak intensity at this point and they needed to find ways to get the Russians and Chinese to surrender the war because they were the two powerhouses of the eastern powers at the time. However Henry's time in military conscription was just about to get even more bloody.

Being in Korea wasnt easy as your not eating 3 meals a day but instead 1 or even 2 if your lucky. And Henry being a very strong man he could lift almost 200kg (440.92lb) at once so if a large tree branch or piece of Rock he can most likely pick it up. Henry though was being sent to the frontlines of the Battlefield near Pyongyang. But the Battles were costing hundreds of thousands of lives every week. Henry should surely survive right......................?
But as he was ordered to be moved over there by the top Colonels there. He already saw thousands of dead bodies with rotting stenches and with dried blood all over the concrete. He thought to himself that one of those men on the ground was could be him in just a couple if hours ahead of time. He waited anxiously as he approached the battlefield with other officers in the truck as they were on a 12 mile journey. And as they drew closer he could hear gun fire and shellings of artillery and missiles ahead of him.

The battle of Pyongyang was going to be bloody as the Allied American and South Korea troops neared the city and China did send reserves to deploy but they weren't well equipped like the Allies and they didnt have the qualitative advantage like the Allies did so they didnt have a significant impact. The Battle planned by the Allied generals was a two pronged attack through a Blitzkrieg maneuver which would allow the city to be taken easily and also get rid of some enemy troops too by capturing the surrounded ones.

However the Eastern powers generals as to hold a trench formation in position so they could be in a war of attrition and guerilla warfare tactics. And by doing that the city could be saved easily but at the cost of millions. But this was all only for the defence of the Kim dynasty to survive on forever.
But not everything was up to plan because many of their generals were against a trench warfare styled defence because it would cost millions more than just retreating beyond Pyongyang.
Kim Jong Un was exiting himself to Shanghai because China was the both the closest and the most friendly to North Korea in terms of alliance.

Henry was almost at the frontlines and all he could hear for miles is gunfire and artillery shelling one after another.
And looking through the windows of the transport truck was innocent civilians who were caught in the crossfire of the conflict and saw a mother crying as her daughter was laying on the floor with blood pouring from her head and another one ahead after they just received news that their father had died in battle just a few hours earlier. It wasn't a sight Henry wanted to see but he had to do so.

Then the truck stops and the Colonel on board shouted at them...

Colonel:"Ready up men we just outside of the battlefield we need to be all careful because we are all officers of the military even if one of us dies it's a massive loss and break."

Henry with his officers behind him was approaching the battlefield by foot and they needed to avoid the rubble of weak infrastructure buildings because North Korea wasnt exactly rich or powerful so all their buildings are made with poor quality materials. So all the buildings could easily collapse if so.

Then they reached a Abraham Tank a thick armour and strong cannon with a 50. Caliber machine gun. The men were all equipped with armoured vests. And were now at the frontlines ready for action. They began to maneuver supplies along Pyongyang suburbs. And order troops to attack when needed. However the two pronged attack was planned to be done the following morning to catch them by surprise.

As they arrived in the afternoon their long day was quickly coming to an end as the sun was setting down. Most of the fighting had stopped and the soldiers could finally rest. However the ones on night duty were there to alert of a suprise attack or otherwise they may ambush. Henry was sent to his tent where he shared with 6 other men.
One was playing a Harmonica and the other was just smoking himself to death but Henry didnt blame them because I don't think anyone wanted to be on an active war front where they could die at any moment from a sniper.

It was 10pm and they all went to bed and all fell asleep very quickly. However each night they got lucky was just to survive a devastating conflict. Many of the men just like Henry were absolutely exhausted by the day and the night soldiers watched over them. It was finally peace for a time ahead of them but Henry in dream land he wasnt ready to see the chaos caused...

At 2am in the morning loud crashing and shouting came from outside the tent as there were soldiers scrambling to escape the barrage of artillery that was not expected to happen. Henry and all the other officers ran outside the tent and saw shell after shell of craters.




They all scrambled away from the danger zone and after the artillery finished being fired the men were going to start the assault early so they could retaliate against them. But many of the officers including Henry did try to refuse because costing thousands of men in the night was not a good idea.
Then suddenly one of the men drop with blood pouring from his head. Then another gets hit in the neck and dies. Then another and another one after another! Then over the short few hundred meters in the blooming moonlight they could see bright shining scopes of snipers all shooting and again the men screaming and shouting to escape the barrage of death. They wait in the Trenches cold, hungry and tired.

By 4am the following morning the sun just begun to rise and many of the men were asleep in the thick mud because it was the only area that was safe. And then luckily the reinforcements arrived and they were well rested nourished and insulated there. And they had heard among the high ranking Colonels that there may be an impending attack by the North Koreans to the west and the Chinese to the west as the Chinese had sent reserves of 350,000 men while the North Korean emergency reserves had over 800,000 up there. And the Americans had already mastered a force of 1,000,000 men ready for the combat it would soon become bloody...

Slightly longer chapter again! See you in the next one!

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