Parental fatigue...

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After the birth if Rosey Stickmin Ellie had stayed the night and the day after just to keep sure that any post birth conditions pop up before hand.

Henry was still full of joy to meet his daughter and was thinking about the idea of being able to parent which obviously both Henry and Ellie did not have at all but good tips from the General and other veteran soldiers in the government base which gave Henry some of a sigh of relief.

Ellie was doing rather well and was still healthy in the mean time and had the baby in a good condition but Medical Bill's wouldn't be a problem as Henry had all the money in the world $150,000,000 was no problem to an $80,000 medical bill and was soon paid then a couple of hours later Ellie was discharged from the hospital coincidentally the same one that Henry and Charles were staying at before when they were both recovering from their car accident injuries.

Finally the day came where the baby was now believed to be able to withstand the outside world on it's own and was also discharged from the hospital aswell being able to to be brought home for the first parental treatment of their lives. Henry was comforting Rosey and she was really happy giggling and laughing which made Henry believe he was a good father Ellie was also giving the baby a handle and was very sleepy. Eventually Rosey fell asleep in Ellie hands and she smiled, Henry felt relieved that the baby was asleep and they both sat on the couch and just thought of what happened over those 9 months.

Henry's phone begins to ring and vibrate in his pockets then he takes it and accepts the call. It was Charles he was asking about how Ellie was feeling.

Charles:"Hey Henry are you there how is Ellie and the baby, oh yeah and yourself.

Henry:"Yeah were doing fine the baby is asleep and Ellie is caring for her their both almost asleep."

Charles:"Okay I'm gonna hand this over to General and he'll talk to you."

General:"Henry you doing alright? I know your at home with Ellie and your daughter just wanted to know because we haven't had contact for the past week just wanted to check up you stay safe out there!"

Henry:"Yes General!"

The phone is then put down...

Henry goes to the Kitchen and makes himself a sandwich while asking Ellie if she wants anything. She said yes and wanted a drink with some fries.

Henry on his own is a good cook as he had proven in his elder teenage years for his parents and at school where they done cooking as a subject and cooks quickly with some if the dishes he makes being rather complicated like beef Wellington one of the hardest dishes to make in the world and was not far off from making it a good dish.
Ellie however barely ever got to do cooking in her teenage years as she was on the run from her abusive parents and in severe mental distress. And decided that the only way out of that was to suffer the consequences of not having a good education in the US.

Henry got all of his qualifications for his favourite things but then right after he immediately dropped out from education in college and switched to crime later for his money loss. As all his old shacks were so high in rent nearly $300 every week a teen would not be able to afford the rent that easily even with the best paying job would hold it.

Anyways back to present day in the Kitchen Henry knows that making fries is easy as he has done them before a lot and chops them up very quickly before frying them. Ellie then eats them and is amazed that how Henry can cook so good but quickly was the question. She didnt mind to much about the fact of that and ate them no problem.

Then there was a knock at the door...

Henry then opens it to find Charles back home and greeting him with pleasure, he then walks in and sees the baby as his eyes gaze on Rosey and Ellie.

Charles:"Oh hello Rosey! and Ellie to hows your post birth time going on?"

Ellie:"Yeah were doing all good and we are just getting finished with the post birth conditions and I should be done after a couple more days."

Henry:"Rosey is now just started to crawl slightly and is making many baby sounds like normal."

Charles:"Yeah Rosey seems to be developing quite fast."

Ellie:"Here you go Charles you can hold Rosey but just be careful you may want to sit down with her."

Charles then takes Rosey and sits down with her and holds her very carefully.

Rosey begins to giggle and wave her little arms about making Charles smile and Henry and Ellie are happy with the outcome knowing Rosey likes Charles but wait until she sees the General she may or may not act different.

Ellie began to dose off as she was exhausted and Henry comforted her while Charles was still holding the baby who was still giggling at Charles.

Henry:"Ellie wake up I know your tired you can go up to bed if you need to just wake up please."

Ellie:"I'm not tiree just giving my eyes a rest after Rosey being born."
*doses off again*

Henry:"hehe oh well... you might aswell sleep on the couch instead."

Henry then gives Ellie a kiss on her head and she gives a little smile while Charles still gives that dirty grin tk Henry who looks over with a slight smirk and his eyes day it all.

Charles then looks down as Rosey has become rather quiet and calm when he looks down he finds Rosey fast asleep in his arms and gives a great smile while her little hands tuck into Charles bear coat.

1020! words see you in the next chapter!

A Couple at Stake (Henry X Ellie)Where stories live. Discover now