War news 3

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China was now seeing its crumbling navy defence drop and the US navy was now the most dominating naval force in the Pacific ocean after Taiwan who's navy was growing exponentially.

In the east of Europe the Baltics had fallen and Russian navy presence was enabled however Finland was not happy with the Russian navy presence and declared that NATO navy will defend them and passed the international maritime borders that Finland established in 1945 after the end of the Second world war which Russia ignored and the Finnish government was in terror and declared war on Russia causing Sweden to join in the process as well.

Austria who remained neutral as of the Soviet treaty of the 1950's preventing them from joining NATO but now seeing the issue of Poland they seek fear and protection so they break the treaty and join NATO which immediately causes Russia to declare war on Austria as of that. Poland however was beginning to struggle as the Russian army was now exceeding 2,500,000 men on the front while NATO at the moment was only hoisting 1,500,000 men but better equipped and armoured but despite the roughly even attributes of the armies the Russian armoured forces still had 3,500 tanks on the front with hundreds being made every month continuing to grow.

NATO would not hold unless they could get more help from the other countries as all of Europe was at war and if Serbia was knocked out of the war then that would free up 750,000 men for the eastern front with Russia aswell. So they started their campaign against Serbia to take Belgrade and topple the government from the knees down.
Romania was beginning their invasion into eastern Serbia and the Serbian forces were all stationed in Bosnia fighting the tough Croatian forces. They immediately tried to force the police in eastern Serbia to fortify the city and get the help from the Citizens which many didnt want to do so it was less costly.

In the Korean peninsula the war had come to a stalemate after Seoul was secured again by the South Korean and Japanese forces with American supplies but China and Pakistan in Kashmir were seeing some success as the Indian supplies began to run dry quickly as they were pushed back mile by mile.
New Delhi was in shambles as 3,000,000 men on the Indian army against the combined Chinese and Pakistani forces were at 4,500,000 men but China and Pakistan were suffering more casualties as they were playing a very aggressive role in the war.

The USA seeing India in such a dire state of near starvation they began to send excess supplies to the Indian people but many of the merchant ships were being stalled through the Indian ocean by Malaysian authorities but many of the ships made it unharmed. In North America the Mexican president visited the US for them to join the war against the eastern powers.

In Africa and the Middle east Saudi Arabia had crushed the Yemen rebels and set up a democratic government to base for the time being whilst Israel continued to fight using intercontinental ballistic missiles to counter the Egyptian industry producing much equipment for the war effort where they destroyed 60% of what they targeted for a partial success.

Lebanon and Syria were trying to Invade the Northern Israeli border but the mountainous region caused much trouble to follow over. Jordan still remained quiet in the mean time building its forces to destroy any army.

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