Is it really true???

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It was a long day after the mission Henry watched every second over Ellie nervously feeling some weird attachment to Ellie he felt very strange about it but didnt think much whilst Charles checked up on Henry frequently to check if hes okay with Ellie.

It was 6pm in the evening with the sun beginning to set Ellie was discharged shortly after Henry was now relieved.

Ellie: "Thank you for your help you saved me there I would of probably died to that freak if you weren't there."

Henry smiles in relief and nods at Ellie happily.

Henry had a feeling about his weird felling of attachment to Ellie but didnt want to say it because incase she freaked out rejected his idea of it.

Charles joined in to and had a nice talk as they slowly walked home to the house where they all lived peacefully.

They all are dinner (Wendy's if your wondering) and all went to bed at 10pm.

The next day...

General said that there was no missions today and the three were both happy and energetic.

Ellie slept most of the morning till 10am feeling relaxed Henry was doing basic housework like trash, cooking and phone stuff when Charles was out in the 20 by 20 meter yard mowing it taking the hour while listening to his favourite music.

Henry then has a nap for the hour whilst Ellie gets up hungry at 1pm.

Charles sits down exhausted from mowing the lawn on his phone.

Ellie than turns on the TV noticing the breaking news from Kiev, Ukraine.

"Breaking news!"

Russian military forces have invaded Ukraine and are in the offensive to take the capital Kiev with multiple airstrikes happening over 20,000 people have been wounded and 5,000 dead at the start of the war already.

Ellie and Charles look over this news and look a little concerned because the US military is stationed in poland only away from the Russian Kaliningrad exclave which was heavily militarized.

Henry abruptly wakes up from his nap and looks at the tv before lightly dosing from his nap eventually he gets up and makes himself a snack in the kitchen.

Then theres a knock at the door...


Henry:"huh?, who could that be?"

He then opens the door...

Theres a mysterious normal man with a weird bear skin russian hat in a russian accent he begins to speak...

"Hello are you Henry stickmin?"

He stays silent with a little nod but then Ellie comes to the door and both of them immediately recognise the logo on the bear skin hat it's the wall...

Both of them nervously waiting for him to leave he tries to ask for their address but they stay quiet.

A Couple at Stake (Henry X Ellie)Where stories live. Discover now