The Wedding...

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After the proposal by Henry, their wedding costs would not be a problem as of course we all know they are multi millionaires and the wedding was to be due in a couple of months from now. And the Wedding was to be done in a Massive garden hedge just over 20 miles away from where they lived.

And preparing shouldn't be to hard to do as they have had experience helping previous friends in the past. But Henry was planning to get the clothes they were gonna where for the big day.

Henry:"I just need to find a perfect pure black suit with a bow tie but these prices are a joke! $56 for just a suit of that size! I cant imagine the cost of Ellies wedding dress that's probably gonna cost me hundreds!"

Henry continued to look for a good suit in which he did find a good one to go and also found a wedding dress for Ellie but it costed $450 to buy Sheesh!

After Henry had bought the uniforms he was thinking of the ideas of the Honeymoon where they both liked and one of them they both liked was Italy in Milan or Rome because both the scenery of old history and the pleasant surroundings of the country. Charles said he also likes the idea of Italy and the Southern European mainland. However they would want to have a good and peaceful life in Italy while Charles was going to care for Rosey while they are gone.

Ellie still couldn't wait for the big day she had always wanted to be married to someone but Henry was just upon her wild dreams she would never find a better man then Henry or even Charles.
Still she was busily engaged with Rosey feeding and tending to her needs but Henry continued to find the best ideas for the wedding and planned to also get a vendor at the wedding. The Garden hedge where they were planning to be placing the wedding hopefully they thought that it would be on a bright clear day so the wedding was in full swing by the time they hoped it to.

Two months later...

Henry:"Not far now Ellie and me and you will we be in a forever loving relationship and family no one can ever split us apart ever!"

Ellie:"I know Henry you know that I will always love you and our daughter, I will always be with you and never break apart. I love you Henry."

Henry:"I love you too babe."

Charles then walks in on them...

Charles:"*giggling to himself*"

Henry and Ellie:"What now Charles?"

Charles:"I can never understand to meeting each other in a prison then escaping by working together then getting married and having kids!"


Charles:"Oh Henry Rosey probably doesn't even know what we're even saying and even if she did she would probably forget very quickly!"

Henry:"Yeah you nearly killed me twice with your stupid helicopter!"

Charles:"Now, now Henry dont bring my girl into this conversation!"

Henry and Ellie:"*Laughing uncontrollably*"

Charles:"What?! You never seen a man love his helicopter so much?"


Charles:"Well then you all are just weird people then."

Ellie:"haha I think you got that the wrong way around havent you?"


Henry:"Yeah I thought so haha!"

Henry then gets the vendor up and running and is preparing the final tests and finishes to make sure that both him and Ellie both have their good days.

5 months later...

The wedding was literally in only a couple of hours and Ellie and Henry were both in their respective rooms to test on their clothes and dresses. Charles being Henry's man and for Ellie was being Victoria a corporal in the government military base and Charles also had a slight crush on her...

Henry was ready for the biggest moment of his life walking out on hundreds of people and high end people aswell looking down on him. Henry was there first and he looked at his watch and the time for the wedding to start at 11:30 am but it was 11:27 am and Ellie in her final 3 minutes scrambled to get everything on correctly including her Rose crown chain over her lappet and she was relieved to be ready then she looked at the clock and took a deep breath in... and exhaled deeply into the surroundings where it was weared away. Then by 11:29 am Henry was very worried but still he was able to he relieved and continues Ellie then walks down the red carpet towards the small stairs at the Bush hedge over the top of them both. Then they hold hands tightly together and the Priest begins his sayings and the Gossips of God.

Priest:"By the power of God and guidance... Henry do you declare Ellie as your wife?"

Henry:"I do!"

Priest:"Ellie do you declare Henry to he your lawful husband?"

Ellie:"I do..."

Priest:"By the power invested in me you now are declared Husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!"

They kiss under the lappet profusely the General and Charles clapped and Charles shredded a tear of peace while the General gave Henry a smile and Ellie a big wink for security. And everyone there claps. But there is someone under the radar of all the people a wall guard watched closely trying to identify the suspects...

In a heavy Russian Canadian accent he says...

Guard:"Sir I think I may have them both I have sent Intel to you and the headquarters you can see from there."

Dimitri:"Ahh yes very good my soldier that's the suspects there keep an eye on them for now and keep sending Intel to the headquarters!"

Guard:"Yes Warden..."

However the guard remains under the radar no one knows of his existence. Neither does Charles or the General or even Henry and Ellie! They would both go on to have a great dinner out at a fancy restaurant from an authentic Spanish restaurant that they loved but still the guard was no where to be found the Warden pleased with his information was ready to make his first  move by attacking them in the night and catching them off guard easily.

Nice fluffy chapter! See you in the next one!

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