The accident...

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Ellie was at home into her 2nd week of pregnancy when she got an unusual knock at the door...


She may of thought that it was rupert but when she opened the door she was met with a young police officer looked his early 20s began talking about an accident that happened yesterday evening about Henry and Charles and she could barely hold back the tears on the eyes immediatley got her stuff and went straight to the Texas city mainstream hospital where both Henry and Charles were and when she saw the state of both of them she collapsed to the floor and busted into tears.

Henry who was barely even awake after being temporarily paralyzed from the waist down said in a faint voice...

Henry:"Cough, Cough... E... Ellie? I'm here please dont cry I'm okay!"

Charles was completely busted up and still unconscious with his eyes clearly still dazed from the car accident.

An officer arrived with a thick blonde beard he began to explain the drunk drivers consequences after nearly killing both Henry and Charles...

"Okay you two the drunk driver who caused you to crash has been tracked and found to the license plate and has been arrested on the suspicion of dangerous drunk driving and attempted murder, he will now serve 15-20 years in prison and his license revoked for life and hopefully you two get better out there I'll see you two later"

He then leaves...

Charles finally begins to come around but is still half asleep making him ruffle about a lot in the hospital bed but is still rather dizzy because he suffered a concussion in the car accident, soon though Charles is put on some form of high doses medicine to help with the damage been done to the bones and muscles. Henry has been put on strong pain killers to ease the pain from his joints that took the bulk of the damage from the crash into the tree.

Henry groans in pain...


Charles:"Dont worry Henry just power through it your stronger than you think you really are!"

Henry's joints are so stiff he can barely move his arms and his right leg had swollen up very bad red hot that it needed to get a fluid vacuum to clear out the excess fluid.

Charles who was still rather dazed after waking up had spilt his glass of water because he was shaken and both of them had tremors in their arms.

Then the general had visited quite sad aswell behind Ellie putting his hand on her shoulder who was still crying a lot. To try and comfort her assuring her that both of them would be okay.

General.G:"Its okay dear they'll get through it they are recovering faster than you think and they may look absolutely destroyed on the outside but inside their still holding strong...

Ellie:"Thank you but even if they do I'm very unsure about them if they both cant even pick up a glass of water without spilling."

General.G:"I understand what your trying to say but that's the short after effects of the accident. I also already know that you and Henry are in a relationship Charles has already told me you go comfort both of them cause I need to get back to the base as orders need to be planned out.

General galeforce than leaves the room.

Ellie looks over Henry, who's face is tormented by the crash as half of his face is covered with bandages and lining while his eyes remain okay to see his beautiful girlfriend. Henry suffered no further injuries other than a sprained wrist and ankle. However Charles suffered the worst as he had a broken arm and leg, a severe concussion and a paralyzed left hand.

Henry than turned on the tv which immediately blinded him after being in a dim room for so long. Soon the news of the war in Ukraine had gone further Russia was on marching Kiev in a bloody battle for the city the death toll had risen to 80,000 in a fortnight and 120,000 wounded or missing. Belarus began to help Russia by disrupting Ukrainian supply chains to the war front and distracting armoured forces that were ment to arrive in Kiev.
Than a speech of the russian leader Vladimir Putin began a talk...

Putin:"Мы будем сражаться до тех пор, пока Украины его не станет!"
(We shall fight until Ukraine is no more!)

Henry:"ugh shut up you f*cking old hag!"

Henry didnt like Putin because he had taken a full dictatorship on Russia for the last decade and brutally oppressed thousands that fought for their freedom of speech just to be put down because it was against Putins thoughts and rights being either executed or imprisoned for life it made Henry disgusted to the core.

Henry than picks up his glass of water again but this time a lot better and was able to drink properly for once...

Ellie than kissed him in his forehead where he blushed a lot while Charles doing the most bombastic sideye ever while giving Henry a dirty grin Henry wasn't surprised but when Ellie kissed Charles on the his forehead he felt extremely uncomfortable doing it and Henry gave a dirty grin back with a little chuckle too than Ellie said she had to leave for the house and would be back to see them they both nodded and Ellie went home...

Sorry for being a slightly short chapter I couldn't think of anything more see you in the next chapter! :D

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