I remove my lips and look down at her. Her dimples show as she smiles. My eyes continue to look around her face. I'm not sure why I stopped kissing her. 

"What is it?" she asks me softly, I get to hear her angelic voice. She reaches her hand up and puts it against my face. 

She smiles at me while waiting for my response. 

I reach over and grab something quickly. Without thinking, without reason, I grab a knife and stab the blade through her heart as she screams.

I jolt awake. I'm breathing heavily. I quickly notice I'm not waking up because of my dream, but because of knocking at my door. 

I push myself out of bed. I try to forget the ludacris dream I just had. Dreaming of killing her - although it was just a dream, I still felt guilty, paranoid, was somebody making me dream these things? I look around my room for some writing, I don't find anything, but I do notice my window slightly cracked open. I didn't do that. 

My door opens and Valeria stands here, unharmed, what happened in my dream would stay there.

"Did you miss me that much you had to come and see me at 7 in the morning?" I question her.

She rolls her eyes. She says, "It's noon."

My eyebrows lower as she enters my room. I say, "Oh."

I close the door. She paces around anxiously while I take a seat on the edge of my bed. After a while of her pacing, I say, "Valeria, darling, you're gonna wake up those in Hell with those steps."

She sighs. I tell her, "Come here."

She walks over to me, standing between my two spread legs. She looks down at me, her hair falling forward, I can see something is bothering her.

"I saw Stella," she says to me. "She said you were a demon. Why would she say that about you?"

Staying calm was something necessary for keeping my secret. I tried to hide it in my eyes as I thought about killing Stella, hunting her down wherever she was, and killing her for saying that to Valeria. But I keep my mask on, I remain calm.

I look up at her while tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. I say gently, "She's just jealous of how much I care about you."

After tucking her hair, I let my knuckles brush against her cheeks. She nods slightly. She smiles, "It's such a ridiculous thing to say. You've been my hero this entire time, Adonis."

I nearly smile at those words. I repeat, "Your hero?"

"Mhm," she nods.

My first smile nearly happens at this moment. That's what I wanted, to be a hero to her. I always wanted to be a hero to somebody. I did not kill the angels for sport, I did it to be heroic to my people. But she was now worth more than them. Demons do not have hearts, but whether I had a heart or not, it belonged to her.

"This school year is coming to an end, you know," she says. It felt strange. I had only known her for a few months, yet it felt so much longer than that. "In the summer, where are you going?"

"Home," I tell her. I pull her to sit down on my lap. She sits sideways. 

"And where is home?" she questions.

I pause. I think of what to say. I settle for, "Somewhere very far."

"Hm," she hums. "So I guess you wouldn't want to go somewhere with me?"

"Where?" I ask her. Anywhere. She could say any location on this Earth and I would go with her.

She smiles, "There's this house my family owned. It's on top of a hill by the water a few hours away. I can't exactly go home this summer, so I'm going to go there."

She confesses that she cannot go home to the person that is the reason for that. But, once again, I don't let this show on my face as my hand moves up and down against her leg. 

"I'll go with you," I tell her. I was not going to return to Hell. 

I believed her to be my first chance at happiness. My entire life, all I've done is try and kill angels. Following the orders of my father in hopes of becoming king one day. I never had the chance to find happiness in a girl, it may be with a forbidden girl, but that changes nothing for me. I'm not sure how it is she made me feel this way for her, especially so quickly, but as she presses her lips against mine, I'm not going to complain. 

All my life, every action I've done has been selfish. But what I feel for her, it felt like the first selfless thing I've ever done. My lips move against hers, and I know that I would put her before myself. The strength of what I feel for her, it didn't feel normal, although I had nothing to compare it to. It felt destined. Meant to be. I believe that an angel was put on this Earth as my soulmate.

She laughs as I grab her and pull her onto the bed. It's my favorite sound in the entire world. As I listen to it, as I hold her in my arms, it happens for the first time in my entire life. 

I smile. 

Word Count: 1512

Word Count: 1512

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