Something Odd

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this chapter has certainly been a journey! btw, we edited chapter 1(not the prologue) a bit, no changes, just adding some descriptors to make it easier to read. we will probably, maybe, be doing that for the rest of the chapters. we'll see.

anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter! it's certainly my fav as of now. -kat

It had been yet another day of work, staring at screens for hours on end. Same thing every day. It was endless for him.

But it was the only thing that he was good at that made him money for him and his sister, kept them fed, and safe, at least from the Flare. Watching the so-called 'Subjects' and reporting to WICKED.

Today he had gotten up late, he had spent the entire night hanging out on one of the rooftops with his girlfriend. She was a part of Right Arm; one of the rebels. He wanted to join her, he really did. But his sister was barely six, so, so young. He needed this job to take care of her.

"Love, just come with me. Take Anna. We'll be happy together, away from WICKED," she had said, gripping his hand in her softer one. Her gorgeous crystal blue eyes looked at his own green ones in desperation. He almost wanted to give in...but...

"Jess, she's six. She can't survive out there. Not yet, maybe not...maybe not for a couple more years." She was so young; he had to keep her safe for as long as possible.


"Not yet, Jess. I just need more time. Please."

He hated having to leave her every night, to sneak back into HQ. Someday soon, they'd be together, safe and happy, a happy family... But he wasn't sure when that would happen. All he could do was wait.

"Jeremy! Pay attention," Brenda said harshly, snapping her fingers in front of his face, "I don't want you zoning out and getting in trouble."

He quickly looked over to Brenda, kind of tuned out, and just shrugged it off. He half-heartedly turned back to the screens, observing. Thomas had been sent in just that day, mind freshly wiped by the Swipe. He was supposed to be watching him. As he turned his attention back to the screen, though, he noticed something odd.

That's strange, he thought, why is Thomas hugging Newt?

He stared down at the screen with one raised eyebrow, not quite sure what was going on. He saw the two hugging, Thomas' mop of brown hair the only part of his head visible from where he had buried it in Newt's shoulder. He watched as they pulled away, and Newt walked away from where they had been standing, as Thomas sat down, looking thoroughly drained.

He sighed, I'm gonna have to report this, aren't I?

At the thought, he didn't like the idea of it. He had a feeling something was up, and maybe if he didn't tell them, he could see how it would play out. But at the same time...if he did tell them, maybe it would be better for Anna?

What should I do?

* * *

Newt woke up just before the first rays of the 'sun' would start shining over the Walls. The Doors would open soon, and the Runners would be out. He yawned, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. He ran a hand through his messy hair, trying to wake up fully. It was earlier than he'd usually wake up, but he had a long day ahead of him.

He got up, walking over to where Alby was still lying asleep. They shared a room in the Homestead; there was only so much space. Shaking his shoulder, he said, "Alby? Wake up, you shank, I need to talk to you."

His friend groggily opened his eyes, muttering sleepily, "Newt? What's going on?" He slowly sat up, stretching.

"Just need to bloody talk to you about something. Get up," he told him.

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