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Chapter by Greenie_Nai
Ava sat in the stale air of the room. Dr. Christensen stood a few feet away from the table between them, staring at her with a disappointed gaze.

The least she could take away from this situation was that she saved Thomas and the Gladers. They had hope to save humanity, no matter what happened to the rest of the world.

"Ava, what did you do?"

She sighed. "I did what had to be done."

"You've doomed us all!" No matter what she said, she knew she wouldn't be able to change his mind, she also knew she wouldn't have to. The one thing she did need to make sure of, was that the Gladers would be safe. The outside world couldn't know where she sent them, no matter what.

"Where did you take them?"

"You can threaten me, torture me, kill me. I won't tell you."

Dr. Christensen sucked in a deep breath of air, then grimaced; clearly trying to be as professional as possible but failing.

All of a sudden one of the guards walked in. "Sir, we found the coordinates of the Island from the Flat Trans."

He looked over his shoulder slightly to the wall. "Good, have a team oversee the Flat Trans, so we can send a squad through."

The guard nodded, then walked out. Dr. Christensen looked back over to Ava with a grin on his face. "I'm sorry, Ava, but your rule as Chancellor has come to an end. You've become misguided, so I'll take this responsibility off your back. It would be an honor-"

Blaring red alarms sounded. Dr. Christensen turned to look over once again. He groaned. "What now?" Another few guards rushed in.

"We're under attack! The Right Arm has returned-" The building started to shake. It was clear it was too late for them to do anything. This would finally be the end of WICKED as they knew it.

Dr. Christensen dragged Ava out of her seat and through the door despite her calm and adamant expression. They ran through hallway after hallway after hallway. It was a never ending maze in itself. Left, straight, straight, right, left.

On and on they went. She had no idea what they thought they would accomplish by going who knows where, but Dr. Christensen had gained more determination than she had ever seen in him before.

The building shook once more, some of the ceiling had collapsed leaving a bit of a hole in the wall, the sun partially shining through it.

Dr. Christensen looked up in shock, but then quickly gained his senses and rushed to the main door, still pulling Ava along with him.

Once they had reached the door and gotten outside they saw a few bergs of the Right Arm bombing their base. They turned around to look at the building, noticing its collapsing structure and the building all aflame.  It was then Dr. Christensen finally knew exactly what she knew. Everything was hopeless.

One final bomb started coming down towards them, signifying the last thing they would ever see. The Gladers would be safe, the Right Arm had ceased the search for them by taking out the very last of WICKED. At impact the world became blinding, then faded to black. An eerie ringing held in the air.

In her last moments she thought of one thing; she gave them the tools they needed to survive.

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