Chapter 1: New Place

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Travis' case worker sighed as he pulled into the new foster homes place. It was a nice family. They weren't broke they were stable and non abusive. They were happy. Travis was nervously playing his his long wavy hair that reached his back. "Alright Travis. This is the new place. You know the drill." Edmond said as he got out of the car to help Travis get his bags. Travis nodded and also went to the trunk to get his bags. He took a deep breath while looking at the house also processing everything that was happening. Got a boyfriend, homophobic foster parents got rid of him because of his boyfriend, had to leave his younger sister behind.. Sounds about right. Edmond and Travis both walked into his now new home. Edmond gave a sweet smile to the new foster parents. Travis knew deep down inside that Edmond was tired of this because this was the fifth foster home Travis had. Travis was going to make a change and he knew it.

It was a woman and another woman. Travis was glad about that. He would be more comfortable around woman. "Hello Travis, I am Diane and this is my wife Londra." The brunette woman said introducing the natural ginger. The ginger name Londra smiled at Travis. It was a sad yet comforting smile. Almost as if she knew what he was going through. "Well, I hope you enjoy Travis. He is an intreasting one." Edmond said patting Travis' back making him flinch. Then Edmond left. "We have some dinner made, would you like some now or would you prefer to go relax in your new room?" Diane asked sweetly. Travis gave a soft yet sweet smile. "Do you mind if I go into my room?" Travis asked. "Of course not sweetie we will talk tommorrow." Diane said and Londra smiled. Travis nodded his head and took all his bags into his new room that Londra showed him.

It was a simple room. The room white sheets and the walls were white. He had a T.V across from his bed. There was a closet that had a mirror facing him. He thought that was pretty cool. "Nice." He thought to himself as he checked out the room. The bathroom was across his room so he grabbed his bathroom stuff such as shampoo and conditioner. When he got into the bathroom he set his shampoo and conditioner into the bath. He also had a shaving razor that he set on the counter. He looked at himself in the mirror and he weirdly smiled and wispered to himself "I am gonna make a change." And he did just that.


Larry and Sal were standing in front of the apartments waiting for the school bus. Larry was mumbling about some bullshit about his girlfriend. Larry and his girlfriend Sammy had gotten into an argument over some thing stupid. They always did. "I swear she is cheating on me Sal!" Larry said annoyed. "She probably isn't. She really loves you!" Sal said trying to convince Larry that Sammy wasn't cheating on him. "You sure, Sal?" Sal nodded. "Alright if you say so, dude." Larry said. Sal was the only one that can calm Larry from his anger issues. When Larry was a kid he used to get into a lot of fights and even bully others, but when he met Sal it balanced out his anger issues and he hasn't bothered another kid since. Sal believes that he won't do it again, but that's what Sal thinks. He couldn't be more wrong. The bus pulled up and the two boys got into the yellow school bus.


He didn't get any good sleep last night because of the new place. He had only gotten about three hours of sleep when his alarm went off from his phone. He looked at his notifications smiling as he saw a text from his lover John. The text had said "Goodmorning, love. <3" Travis smiled as he texted his long distance lover back. The truth is that he already missed him, but they decided to try long distance. He sighed as he turned it off and stood up. He stretched his arms before heading to the bathroom. After he did his business and brushed his teeth he dug through his blue bag. "I'll have to unpack later today." Travis mumbled to himself. He grabbed his brush and an outfit for the day. He brushed his dark golden long locks. He liked his long hair because it made him look different from his dad. He is fifteen right now, but when he got tooken into foster care he was ten. He hated that whenever he looked at himself in the mirror he saw his dad, so he decided to grow out his hair. The mere thought of his dad made him grip the brush in anger his knuckles turning white. He took a deep breath and counted down from ten a trick he learned from his past therapist. He got dressed into some simple jeans, Sanity Falls shirt, and his iconic black boots. He then put in his earbud in his right ear also the ear that's completely covered by his side bang. He had always called it his "perfect hiding spot".

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