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"Hey, we are having a party tomorrow, wanna come?"

I looked up from my book. It had been about 2 weeks since I'd started tutoring Blaze. We had become what you might call 'friends', although not that close.

Blaze wasn't as rich as I thought. He didn't live in big mansions and rode on horses. He was just upper middle class and lived in a big apartment. He had two cars, for both of his parents were working. He had an elder sister who lived in France with her husband. He had a pet labrador whose name was George. His parents had been going through some bad times and he was rather worried these few days because of some divorce bullshit going on. He'd come crying one day. 

From our usual place in the library, we could see the canopy of a nearby tree. Birds usually sat on it and sang. Between reading my book, watching him write the many tests I gave and answering questions if needed, the bird song played the role of background music of some old romcom. 

When he'd come on that day, crying, I'd had no way to console him. But then when he sat on the floor next to my feet, rested his head solemnly on my knee and began sobbing, I'd just run my fingers through his extremely soft hair and patted his shoulder. He'd apologized later on. 

I felt that that moment made something click, for he was rather hesitant to share any more personal details with me. Not that I ever pressed him, but the slight change was noticeable and it hurt.

I didn't know what to say to his question. I don't go to parties, I don't even get out of the radius of my bedroom in my own house. My pathways in the school are limited to the classrooms and library. I don't go anywhere except Hannah's apartment, which almost doesn't count because it's right below ours. 

Closing my book, I questioned- "Where is it?"

"My house." I frowned at his eagerness.


"Any time you'd- I mean... uh.... anytime around 6...? If you're free, that is...?" He nervously ran his fingers through his hair and straightened his shirt. He even cleared his throat a few times.

I was still frowning. "I'll... say over chat. Time for our class."

"Oh right, okay."

I rushed away from the library on quick feet after gathering the rest of my stuff. There was still time for Mr. Hanson to start the class. I liked Mr. Hanson, he was the only adult I'd come out to. He was the only one who'd understand. He taught math, and he was the one who'd commissioned me to tutor Blaze. 

I entered the class early to see him standing there with his book. He smiled when he saw me, and I muttered a greeting. 

"Uh, Arthur?" He called from behind me and I turned back. There wasn't anyone else in the class. Although Mr. Hanson was a good person, he wasn't a good teacher. His lessons were boring. But the Principal and staff loved him too much to let him go.

"Yes, Sir?"

"I remember asking you to tutor Blaze Carterwood?"

A sinking feeling came in my gut. Three girls entered the class- one of them waved at me, I waved back. 

"Yes, Sir?" I said again.

"Well, his scores have had some improvement," He smiled warmly. But before I could reply, he added- "but there is a problem."

The happiness visible on my face a few seconds ago disappeared. More people entered the class, more people waved at me, more people gave me and Mr. Hanson looks. 

"Yes, Sir?" I said for the third time.

"I've found this in my class, as well as several others, but he is getting more distracted during the classes." He sighed. "I don't mean to signal anything at you, but I think there is no other teacher who can say these words to you. Blaze keeps trying to sneak glances at you. It's distracting for me as well as others. I'm sure you can understand, Mr. Joy, and have a talk about it with him."

Oh dear lord.

Oh dear, what the actual f-

"You can go back to your seat, Arthur."

"Yes, Sir," I muttered and silently walked to my place between Kai and Hannah. They asked me what happened when I sat down but I just shook my head. I turned my head to see Blaze in the backseat, and there he was, his hands on his chin, looking at me. He even smiled when we made eye contact, he looked away immediately, however. 

I sighed deeply, making a mental speech to say to him after class.

Hannah suddenly nudged me with her elbow, I turned. She was smirking. 

"What?" I asked.

"You'd better wait till after class, there is so much in store for you."

I gave her a look, but she said nothing further. Time passed quite quickly, it doesn't usually in Mr. Hanson's class. I think I'd been sleeping with my eyes open because the bell rang sooner than I'd expected. 

I waited for the class to clear out, asked all my friends to leave, and sat there on my bench alone until Blaze's friend circle decided to walk out. Blaze had probably seen me waiting because he came out last and waited near the door. I walked and stood next to him, watching him wave at the last of his friends. 

I started walking out, but he grabbed my hand and shut the door in front of us.

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