The De Luca Family

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      Alessandro De Luca... Your typical Italian mafia man. Alessandro is a very tall, muscular, and tough male. He is in his early sixties. He grew up in the Italian Mafia. His father was a very close man to the Don and so from an early age he knew the ins and the outs of the place. He was always told he was going to be the leader one day. Unfortunately... He never got to experience that. He met Angelica through a mission. He was supposed to be assassinating her but she agreed to dish out the secrets and continue to be a spy as long as she was not killed. Eventually, They hooked up and she was pregnant with twins; a boy and a girl. He was not the happiest and wouldn't say he was the best father in the whole world. He was not there very much and he had to watch his children go through the unthinkable.

      Angelica Samria... Angel in the name is a very fitting representative of this woman. She is absolutely stunning and her job in the Spanish mafia was to seduce the other mafias into submission and confessions. She was forced into the Spanish mafia at the age of sixteen. She was put into cruel and vile work at a very young age. All of the other mafia men did not care, They saw her as a play toy. Angelica was put through a lot in her life and in her mid thirties, She was put to seduce a man in the Italian mafia. His name was Al, at least that was what she called him. When she was alone with him she felt safe and like she had never felt before. He knew what she was forced to do but he also knew she did not want to do it. Angelica tried to convince him to let her live with a gun pointed at her head. He caved in and they eventually got really close. Some may say a little too close. She found out she was pregnant and had to lie and say it was forced upon her. The Italian mafia faked a kidnapping and took her. They staged a murder under hers too so she could have her children and then live a free life. She gave birth to a son and a daughter. She agreed to have three more kids with him. She gave birth to two more and the other girl miscarried. Alessandro and the mafia gave her a chance at freedom, for the first time in 25 years. After she got free, She moved across the country and met the love of her life and began working a typical job as a nurse.

      Francesca De Luca... Some may say she was the better twin. She was the only girl in the family so she was raised at higher standards. She learned everything the other men in the house had to know... and how to look hot doing it. Francesca is a beautiful brunette standing at five foot ten, Her long legs take up most of her looks. She has a gorgeous natural tan and plump lips. Her hazel eyes would sink into your soul. She grew up with her brother in the house doing typical daily tasks including: working in the shooting range, learning typical school stuff, working with their dad, and so forth. It was not until she was 21 that she was included in any dirty work. Her father would never let her.

      Francesco De Luca... The smarter twin... Standing at six foot six Francesco was one of the only brothers to go to regular schooling. From the age of ten, he attended a regular school and got the chance to make friends. He was always the more sensitive sibling. He never liked being a part of the mafia. His sister enjoyed doing all of the shooting and the gross stuff but deep down he always knew he would never live a normal life. He covered his feelings up very well though and never let them seep out. THat stuff gets you killed in the mafia. He had gorgeous hazel eyesjust like his twin sister. He had a very sharp jawline, large lips, and the prettiest of eyelashes for a guy. He was a very attractive male. That is why in high school, He was known as the... player (one could use other terms)...

      Matteo DeLuca... the heartthrob of a brother. He was very tall, built, handsome, and what else could you ask for? He had a jerk personality though. He was very shut out. He along with Francesco got to experience normal high school. Matteo fell a few years behind Fran. Matteo worked closely with his dad and never put his schoolwork on top. He was a very smart person though... If he would have tried he would have been valedictorian. From the age of three, he knew how to head-shot someone. A target of course. His father knew he was going to follow right into his footsteps. He was his father's go to man. He always knew who did what and where to look. After his father and his leader tragically died, He was given a once in a lifetime opportunity and he took it. Why wouldn't he? The leader's daughter was very suspicious about his death and they were put to work together on the ¨case¨ even though he already was pretty close to the idea of who did it. She could never know his secret.

      Niccolo De Luca.... The least important brother. Niccolo was always left out. The family had never found him very important for anything. He never went to school, he never learned anything about the mafia, but he would always insist to Matteo he was going to be the leader one day. Which he knew would always make Matteo upset. He was always the odd one out. It left multiple suspicions as to if he was a child of an affair. He was five foot eleven while all of the other siblings were over six foot besides his sister. He had blue eyes, brunette hair, thin lips, and wasn't the most athletic child; weighing in at 175 pounds. Which is different compared to all of his male siblings who were over 200. The only thing he was good at was keeping secrets and man did he know a lot... He would never tell though. Even if it would jeopardize the entire future of the family.

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