Chapter 28~ Spared

Start from the beginning

His eyes roll to the back of his head when I tie a tight knot right on top of his wound and they snap open from the pressure being applied, I take a step back from him and look at him with the lack of any emotion on my face and in my voice before speaking, "this doesn't make us husband and wife, I am only helping you because I need you to help me. And eye for an eye." I tell him and he scoffs but doesn't reply.

I turn around before trying to think about what to do now, attack with full force and just the both of us? Wait for Harry? Create a distraction?

Give myself up to face my mother's wrath?

"I just want to have some fun with her, we go way back." Wyatt tells them before letting out an evil laugh and points for a guard to hold Ry as he pulls out his phone and starts calling someone. A shiver runs down my spine from his words, disgusting.

"How could he possibly survive?" Alessio questions from behind me and at that moment I realise how close we are, my jaw locks and I ignore everything my body feels.

I look away the second I see Wyatt slam his fist into Ajax's face and hear him talking to my mother I assume on the phone as my best friend groans.

"I'm guessing you don't have your phone?" I turn around to face him before speaking and he gives me a shake of his head, of course. My eyes widened when I realised how damn smart my dad was. He kept a spare phone, first aid kit and a shit load of guns in every one of his safehouses hidden away from everyone.

So hidden he never even told Amara or I, for the sake of keeping us out of those fights.

Think Valencia, where would he hide this. It has to be accessible from every part of the house.

I run a hand through my hair as I think of all the possible places it could be, his office would be the only place I could think of because it needs a 4 digit code to even enter the room. i think.

I nod for Alessio to follow me and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion but he does as we slowly and quietly make our way down the hall and away from the room they're all being held in, I go to walk down the basement stairs to get Harry as well and hold my gun to my chest.

The second I hear a guard yelling and Harry yelling for me to run hoping I would hear as he had no idea how far or close I was I curse under my breath and turn around before the loud noises get us caught.

I grab Alessio's hand before starting to run down the hall and towards the stairs at the back of the house, away from everyone.

"What are we doing, Valencia?" He asks once we get far enough and run up the stairs, "just trust me," I mutter before peaking around the corner to make sure no one is there and sighing out of relief when I see the double doors of dad's office on the second floor.

I enter the code I remember from when we were kids and the second the door opens I pull us both in and lock the doors, I pull the gun off of me as Alessio coughs up some blood and tell him to sit on the black leather couch.

I rummage through all of dad's stuff trying to find the first aid kit, God I haven't been in here since I was a kid. All his stuff is still here, his papers with his messy writing, his note journals, old records about new mafia recruits and everything.

My eyes catch onto the framed picture of my dad, Ajax, Amara and I on his desk before I bite down on the inside of my cheek and force my eyes away.

"If you're looking for guns, I found them." He tells me and once I see the first aid kit I grab it before walking towards him and opening it up before placing it on the table.

"Take your shirt off," I tell him as I get the biggest roll of gauze and all the dressing I can find, he tosses his gun to the side before pulling his t-shirt off in a quick movement and immediately groaning as I see his hand holding his bicep where blood oozes out from.

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