Love Stone pt. 2

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[Flashback (The truth)]

Kaito Osaka fell in love with a beautiful woman named Yuka Takahashi, and after years of being lovers, they finally decided to settle down.

As they prepare for their future, they want to have a place of their own. They searched different pieces of land until they found a very wide one with a beautiful garden from the far countryside.

They immediately fell in love with its beauty and already felt at home. As they tried stepping foot, a lady shouts, "Stop! Beware!"

But it was too late and they stepped foot but nothing has happened to them.

The lady rushed to them and looked at them weirdly, "Oh, I'm sorry, we thought this piece of land was for sale, we're sorry for stepping foot." Yuka apologizes.

"How is this possible?" The lady asks.

The couple faced each other and wondered. "What do you ever mean by that?"

"You must believe me. This land is...cursed. Many people have tried and attempted to buy or invade this land, making them all turn into stone, and it is very difficult to reverse it. The land is very careful of choosing the rightful owner, and it must have chosen you." The lady explains.

The couple was surprised. "It is a beautiful land, but why has it chosen us?" Kaito asked.

"It is the only way for it to protect its beauty from the harm intentions of humans, but you don't have any of the sort."

The couple were blessed and happy that the land had chosen them, and they gladly accepted to take it and preserve its beauty while raising their dream home.

As they signed the contract and paid the price, the woman gave them one last piece of advice.

"The land will not curse you, your family, and the people that you welcome here as guests. But any trespasser, whether they meant harm or not, they will suffer. The only way for it to be reversed is the love of its soulmate."

"It is more difficult than it seems. The stoned human can only be heard by you, the owners of this land, and it’s soulmate. But you can not tell the stoned human or its soulmate that this is the way to reverse the curse. If the stone human is aware, they might ask help out of desperation, and it's soulmate might be only burdened to help. So, instead of reversing the curse, its soulmate might turn into stone as well. Love must naturally bloom from them with understanding and time. If the human is stone for over 2 years, they will start to lose memories of their lives, and if they are still stone for 50 years, they will disappear into ashes."

From then on, the couple were very careful and put up warnings of no tresspassing, as safety for all.

Through the years, they did not encounter any trepasser that had turned into stone until a little after their 2nd daughter Miyoko turned 22 when a young man climbed over their walls.

Back to present

"I knew deep down in my heart you must be for my granddaughter. Unfortunately, my husband died before he could even meet you, even just as a stone here. Just like how Mina's mom met her dad. Mina's father was a secret admirer of the mother's. He wanted to secretly leave a bouquet of flowers at the table of the garden where we held her 22nd birthday. But before he could even go further, he turned into stone. My daughter then saw him the next day, and she thought we had gotten a new statue. Sooner or later, I would keep finding her talking to the life-sized stone. Luckily, it hadn't been over 2 years before he could forget his memories, and he was set free by his soulmate. I explained to them, and they have kept it to themselves ever since even to their own daughter. So now, it may have taken Mina quite a very long time but love each other to the fullest and protect one another. It is the last and only thing I really want before I die." That's how the letter of Mina's grandmother ended as the two cry.

They looked at each other and hugged one another tightly, "I love you, Myoui Mina."

"I love you too, Son Chaeyoung. Will you live your life here now? With me?"

"Forever. It is what your grandmother always wanted for us, and I have forgotten the life I have lived, so all I have now is you."

"I feel you bad you have forgotten your family or friends, but we have each other now, and I hope that's okay with you."

"It's more than okay, Mina."

They pulled away, and Mina finally got to see the full features of Chaeyoung's face. Her eyes were shiny hazel brown, and she had blonde hair, and she had a mole on her lower lip. "You're more beautiful than I ever thought." Mina muttered as she held her face and quickly pulled her in for a peck.

It was sudden, but it's not like Chaeyoung didn't want it.

---Some time later---

Mina has now introduced Chaeyoung to her parents, and they completely understand what she has gone through and fully welcome her as family.

It made Mina's parents remind them of their own way of meeting as well.

Finally, they all got to live happily ever after, and it only proves that no matter what in form or cursed, love conquers and uplift it all.

A/N: pt 2 is here!!

2 more months of school for me!!! But I'm as busy as ever!!

Anyway, I decided something not smut rn because it's been a while.

I hope you like it, because personally I do. #selflove


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