Kill That Emperor 1-10

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1. Kill that emperor (1)


t is said that after death, people will remember their past and past. Standing in front of the mirror of past lives, Shen Jue couldn't help but smile. It turned out that this sentence was true.

He was originally the direct disciple of Patriarch Chiyan, but now he is suffering from reincarnation. And all this originated from the Peach Conference a thousand years ago.

At the Peach Festival thousands of years ago, he came to heaven for the first time with his master. At the banquet, he met an immortal who seemed to be extremely interested in him. He pestered him and said many things, and even kept coming after him. Find him on Penglai Island. Shen Jue felt troubled. After the god confessed to him, his mood was extremely bad. He was devoted to the Tao and did not like to be involved with these romantic affairs, so he directly rejected the immortal.

Little did he know that the god still didn't give up and even dared to treat him like a tiger or a wolf. Shen Jue was angry and killed the immortal. When his master arrived, the god only had half a breath left. His master sighed repeatedly, scolded him for thinking about his faults, and then quickly carried the immortal to heaven.

Shen Jue later found out that the immortal was actually the ninth son of the Jade Emperor.

He seriously injured the Jade Emperor's youngest son, and now the youngest son only relies on fairy grass and elixir to survive. The Jade Emperor was furious, and even his master could not protect him. Although he was not wiped out directly, he still had to taste all the sufferings in the world. , suffering from reincarnation, being stepped into the mud in every life, and his body mixed with the mud.

He has experienced such days for a whole thousand years.


Shen Jue heard the call from behind and was startled for a moment before turning around. When he found out that the person calling him was really his master, Chi Yan Ancestor, his body trembled slightly, "Master!"

Ancestor Chi Yan seems to be the same as he was a thousand years ago, but his expression is much more tired than he was a thousand years ago.

"Disciple, I can't stay in the underworld for a long time, so I'll make a long story short. I have learned about the method of breaking reincarnation from Immortal Siming."

Shen Yijue didn't react much when he heard this.

Ancestor Chi Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw him like this. He was the most energetic disciple in the past, but now he is tortured by the pain of reincarnation and becomes lifeless. He couldn't help but hate the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor's useless Yao'er even more. That Yao'er woke up hundreds of years ago, but his disciple is still suffering. What happened back then was not his disciple's fault alone. If Yao'er hadn't drugged his disciple, how could his disciple have drugged him like that? Heavy hands?

Ancestor Chiyan has no other thoughts at the moment. His only thought is to quickly free his disciple from the pain of reincarnation. Although he can't directly intervene in reincarnation and change fate against the will of heaven, he can help Shen Jue.

He took out a palm-sized mirror from his sleeve and shot it directly into Shen Jue's hall.

"Disciple, this is a retrospective mirror. Although it cannot completely resist Meng Po Tang, it will remind you of the past when you are about to die. Every time you are reincarnated, you will be in extreme suffering. I am afraid that you will not be able to survive at the moment of death. There will be less, so this retrospective mirror can still help you a little."

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