He wondered if the Loa that had summoned beside you at the cafe were still with you — if Alastor's Loa had somehow attached themselves to you, they still would be. But he wasn't sure. He had no grasp on understanding his Loa at the moment. He hoped you were okay, and found himself disgusted by it.

There was too much flooding his mind at the moment, so much that he barely noticed when his large shadow friend had slung himself back to Alastor like a rubber band, whispering in his ear in his distorted, hardly audible voice.

"In the back, waiting for you, Alastor." The shadow had said the words in Creole. Alastor nodded, holding his head up high and walking calmly to the area in which the Loa alluded to. His heels clicked across the floor.

When he arrived, he observed Vox, with his slicked black hair and neatly pressed suit with his leg crossed over the other flipping through pages of the spell book in smug silence. He sat on a lone rickety chair at the very end of the very long isle of comically tall bookcases. It was so quiet Alastor could hear him breathe slowly.

"Vox," Alastor acknowledged, his hands folded behind his back.

"Alastor," said Vox dryly in response. He never looked up. "Without your feline slut, I see?"

"...Don't refer to her in that way," said Alastor slowly.

Vox smirked, huffing in laughter. "That's hilarious. And with our history, I had always thought you to be a heartless, cold, unloveable bastard. And here you have a beautiful woman by your side, one just as psycho as your pathetic ass." Vox then stood up, shutting the thick, dusty book quietly, his shoulders squared and fists balled.

"People can surprise you, old friend," Alastor said. His body started to warm.

"We were never friends, fossil," snapped Vox. "You used me to gain recognition in Hell and then left me to rot when I kindly invited you to join me. You're a joke."

A smile crawled upon Alastor's face. "I cannot deny that, I fear."

Vox growled lowly under his breath. "Look at you. Still the same conniving piece of shit you always have been, stepping all over people for your own personal gain, like you're doing to [Y/N] right now."

"What the hell do you know about [Y/N]?" Alastor's smile drooped, his eyes growing dark.

Vox laughed loudly. "A lot more than you. Just because we don't personally know each other doesn't mean I don't know what I'm up against when it comes to her, and I promise you, her hot ass is a lot more threatening than you are."

"I thought I warned you not to speak about her like she's some sort of whore," Alastor said lowly.

Vox folded his hands behind his back, taking a few confident steps towards Alastor, erasing some of their vast distance. He smiled. "Whatever she is, I know her agenda is far more intricate than yours. She's smarter than you, Alastor, you know that?" He flashed his teeth. "Here you are, in love with her, and you don't even know it! She's got you wrapped around her little bloody finger. She's manipulated you, used you, and now she can get whatever she wants. Don't you see that?"

"Such a bold claim, Vox," said Alastor, tilting his head upward to signify superiority, though his resolve was faltering. "In 'love...' What Demon do you know that's capable of such a feat? What makes you think that I am capable of something so fickle as 'love?'" Alastor cackled loudly, his voice echoing in the vast library, his words taking on a mocking tone, making Vox's eyebrow twitch. "It's quite funny, really, that you think so highly of her. It's embarrassing, rather."

Although annoyed, Vox smiled haughtily. "Ha. Well, I did a little research while I was awaiting your arrival, and let's just say I discovered something rather... interesting. She's in history books. Did you know that? Tragic, what happened to her." Vox began to pace around, eyes falling upon the rows of books as he did so. "Broke her neck on stage, publicly. She was on the road to become a prima ballerina, as they call them." His head snapped to Alastor. "Do you know how rare that is? For a woman to be so talented she becomes the best performer in the world at that time?"

Alastor's eyes narrowed.

"So I began to wonder..." continued Vox, running a long finger across the spine of an old book. "How could it be possible? For a woman so young and pretty to become to best of her generation so fast? Sure, she was skilled, but to gain recognition that quickly? Something had to be up."

Alastor shifted in his spot, listening intently.

Vox grinned even wider. "So I looked at some records — death certificates, to be more exact, and found something quite alluring." Vox took another stride towards Alastor. "Do you know how many people died in Kentucky when [Y/N] began to rise to stardom? And these reports all similarly were people in the industry. And then I looked forward, matched the dates up to the times to the places..."

"You're obsessed, Vox," said Alastor blankly. "Simply obsessed. She was a serial killer that never got caught, so what? A child could figure that out." Alastor smirked. "Sure didn't take me long to."

Vox's eye twitched. "For fucks sake, listen, you little cocksucker." Vox closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. He then continued, jabbing a finger in Alastor's face. "So what does [Y/N]'s killings have to do with her rising to power so fast? Then-"

"She sold her soul to me," Alastor interjected smugly, tilting his chin upwards. "Clearly. That's how."

Vox waved him off. "I didn't even know that but whatever. That's not what I'm saying." Vox sighed and went back to staring at the books. "I'm saying that these people didn't just die. Did your little bitch ever tell you how she killed them? How they were found? Did she tell you what really happened?"

Alastor paused. I mean, not really, no. He had thought you had just, I don't know, killed them? With the classic knife method? Maybe a gun? What more could there be to it?

Noticing Alastor's pondering, Vox smiled, turning his head over to them. "Oh, Alastor, you don't know?"

"What?" Alastor said shortly, his brows furrowing. What was he getting at?

"The bodies were ripped apart by some sort of animal," said Vox. "Some skinned alive first, some dismembered and cut up to be served. But all of them were found in the woods or just outside of them, and all of them had the same four long teeth marks all over their remains."

Hell en Pointe | Alastor ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن