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(A/N: I was going to post this on Friday of next week, on the 22nd, but I couldn't wait and it is Saturday so... Enjoy the prologue! Make sure to vote and comment what you think<3!)


The dry leaves crumble underneath my shoes as I walk, the wind blowing through my hair, causing a shiver to roll down my spine. My breath hitches as I walk, going deeper and deeper. Trees cast long shadows on the path, the moon being the only light that guides my way.

Branches tug at my legs, making small holes into my leggings, the sharp ends connecting my skin, scratching my legs. I wince as a bit of blood pours from the injuries, but I don't stop. My feet walk automatically on their own, every step leaving footprints on the dirt that are for sure going to get my shoes dirty later on, every step makes me want to stop and turn back..

But I won't, I can't. I've come so far, why stop now? There's something about this place that's drawing me in, I can't stop.

I forget why I'm here, forget everything for just a moment. My breath grows heavy as I continue walking, only hearing that and the leaves crunching underneath my shoes. I don't think about turning back, but I come to a sudden halt.

A wrought iron fence surrounds graves that have names and small statues on them, each grave is unique and old. Each one creeps me out. I really, really shouldn't be here. I walk towards the fence and find a gate, the wind blows in again and the gate opens easily. I know that it's a bad idea, I shouldn't just enter cemeteries out of free will, but..

I pull the gate open the rest of the way, the metal of the gate hinges as I walk inside the cemetery. I swear the temperature drops, making me shiver, but it could just be my imagination, right? Right. I walk until I reach the middle of the cemetery, standing alone. How long do I have to stand around here for? Five minutes? Ten? I already forgot.

A chill runs down my spine, as I remember the reason why I came. Why I'm here.

I'm here because of a dare, a dare my "friends" told me to do. They dared me to come here, stand there and wait, wait until they came, but.. They lied. I don't see them anywhere. This isn't the first time they've pulled a prank on me like this. On my thirteenth birthday in sixth grade, I invited them to my birthday party.

They didn't show up, no one did. I don't even know why I'm still friends with them, but they were the first kids in elementary school who actually wanted to be friends with me. Now I know that's a lie. They never cared about me when I told them about my parents abuse, they never cared when I told them about anything. I remember once I heard them talking behind my back, thinking I wouldn't find out, but I did.

I heard them talking during PE, while I pretended to be far away from them, they were standing together and laughing about me.

"She's so annoying, her voice gives me a headache."

"I know, right? She never knows when to shut up."

"I feel so bad for her, she thinks we're her real friends."

"Oh, trust me, she'll be a loner for the rest of her life. I mean, come on, who would want to be with a freak like her?"

Tears well in my eyes before I wipe them away, their cruel insults echoing inside my head as I stand out here, alone. This is just a sick prank, a sick and stupid prank. I should have known. I'm so stupid, so stupid. They were just playing with me, playing with my feelings. I don't think I've ever felt more alone in my entire life.

I glance around and let out a sigh. My parents are really going to get mad at me if I stay here any longer. They are really strict on curfews. It's already been more than five minutes, I'm sure, since I don't have my phone or anything to check the time. I take one last look, before I open the gate and walk out of the cemetery.

I follow the path again, heading home, clenching my fists as a sudden anger boils in my veins. I was scared when I first got here, but now I'm just angry. Angry that I let myself fall for a stupid prank like that. Next time, if they pull something like this again, I am not going to put up with it.

As I walk, the wind blows through my hair again, though this time, I hear something. A whisper, a call in the breeze. I stop walking and listen.


Someone or something is calling my name. A chill runs down my spine. It has to be the wind, it has to. But it wasn't really the wind, was it? I don't recall anyone else being here but myself. The whisper didn't sound like a woman's, it sounded like a man's.

That only creeps me out even more. I look back at the trees and cemetery, before running all the way home.


- Get ready for the first chapter! (The first couple chapters will be boring, I'm sorry, but they will get better.)
WORDS: 917.

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