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[A/N: Some chapters will be long, some will be short. Thank you for reading<3!]

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I walk down the halls and ignore every eye that is watching me. Every laugh, every snicker, every comment.. I've gotten used to it. This morning, I almost struggled to get out of bed. I did not want to get picked on, and I still don't. I hate when I get bullied, but I've dealt with it since Freshman year. I'm lucky I even made it through the year.

My mind wanders back to her.. I really need to stop thinking about her or I'll only make myself upset even more. My friend, Reya, left during Junior year. Even though I've talked with her over the phone and on text, I still feel like I need her. She was always the one I ran to for everything and anything. Now that she's gone and far away, I'm almost lost without her.

Still, I finally arrive at my locker and let out a sigh of relief, glad to be away from the bullying. I put in my code and unload my backpack, making sure to only take the things I need. Books, extra supplies for class, and other items are inside my locker. Everything is organized, as always. I grab my backpack and take out some of my textbooks, putting them inside my locker, and only taking the ones I need for my next classes before lunch.

I only have at least four minutes until class starts and the bell rings. I finish arranging my things and I turn around, just as Leilany appears. A startled yelp escapes my lips and I jump back, causing a few students to look over at us.

"Leilany!" I exclaim, as she laughs, her dark-brown eyes filled up with mischief. "God, don't ever do that again!"

Leilany raises an eyebrow and chuckles, her laughter dying down. "Why not? Your reaction was funny!"

I roll my eyes and grunt. "Yeah, because you think it's funny."

"Why are you so cranky? Cheer up!" Leilany smiles. Her eyes suddenly light up. "Oh! I have something to show you."

"Really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Leilany nods. She moves closer to me and leans against a locker besides mine, then puts down her backpack and searches for something. When she finally finds what she's looking for, she smiles and holds up a flyer.

It's a colorful flyer with the theme of both the circus, having a few decorations here and there. The flyer talks about the circus's big "comeback" and how it'll be available all month of October.

On the bottom right, there's an address and where it'll be hosted, and the times. It's the same flyer I saw in the article last night. I furrow my eyebrows and look up at Leilany, her smile never fading. I raise an eyebrow and raise the flyer in my hand.

"You want to go.. to.. this?" I ask. There's a part of me that wants to go, but I can already hear my parents' complaints. Saying that it's too "childish," that I'm "too old" for this kind of stuff. They'd probably only let me go if I invited my younger siblings, but I want to be with my friends.

Leilany nods. "Yeah!" She replies, noticing my hesitation, "come on, it'll be fun!"

I look down at the flyer again, then a sigh escapes my lips. I raise my hand and hand her back the flyer, she takes it. "It's not that I don't want to go–trust me, I do–but my parents would never let me."

Leilany sighs, kneels, and puts the flyer back in her backpack. She then puts her backpack over her shoulders again. "Can't you just try to convince them? Come on, I don't want you missing out on something as fun as this."

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