Chapter Forty - Eian

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He should have been sleeping. Getting rest on the flight back was difficult. He'd told Camila they could both take a nap in the morning before getting ready to go. Why wasn't he sleeping? Too much to think about. The answers Eian so desperately sought were going to be near impossible to find. Not having a lead on where to start only made the process more frustrating. Whatever Matteo knew, he wouldn't be sharing. Eian had to figure it out on his own.

"I'll walk back with you to the castle when you get your father's car," Navi said. She put an arm around Eian from behind. "That way he won't send a bunch of guards to come collect me."

He glanced over at her, for the first time questioning her close proximity to him. In the past, he'd written off the affection as just a random thing between friends. Ever since he came to the revelation that Navi might have only kept him around so she could use him, he wasn't all too sure what her motives were. I hate questioning everyone in my life. This is the pits.

Out loud, he said, "Are you almost ready to go? Might as well head over now while he's at breakfast. Less interaction for both of us." Which meant he didn't have to struggle so hard to come up with a plausible story that wasn't also a lie.

"You're not tired?" she cooed, running a hand through his hair playfully.

Eian tried his best to stay casual as he pulled away. He made his way across the kitchen to the coffee pot, poured another cup, and used it as an excuse to create some distance until he could figure out what she was actually doing. "I am, but it won't hit me until we get to the farm. Thanks to the council, my sense of time is all off to begin with."

"Good, I don't want you to fall asleep behind the wheel." The smile she wore seemed genuine enough. "Our new friend is ready to leave when you are. It means a lot to me that you're doing this."

"You're welcome," he said stiffly.

She sighed. "You're still mad at me."

"Just because I don't like what my father does, doesn't mean I'm a good candidate for committing treason."

"Fair enough. You can still say no."

Eian shook his head. "No, because you're right. I hate that you're right. I mean, yes, I can still say no, but I don't think I can live with the consequences of saying no."

"From the farm you'll need to—"

"Take him as close to the border as I can manage on foot," he said. "I remember, and that's fine. The patrol in the country isn't as heavy since we're still doing some trade with the Oceina." For now. "There are spells I can cast. I'm not worried about getting him out once we leave the city."

"Nor should you be," she said.

He narrowed his gaze at her. "Don't ask me to do something like this again. Or try to play my conscience against me. I don't appreciate it. Feels dirty, manipulative." Might as well let it all out, right? "Being used is not a way to keep me on your side."

"It works for your father," she snapped.

"I expect more from you. Living with him must be affecting your brain. The more time you spend with him, the more alike you two become."

Navi stalked over, her hand raised. "Don't ever say that again!"

Don't give me a reason to think it. Eian squared his shoulders, keeping his gaze firm. He wouldn't falter despite the fact that seeing Navi in such a rage worried him a whole lot more than the wrath of his father ever would. At least with his father, he knew what to expect. Navi had officially become an unpredictable ticking time bomb. "Fine, I'm sorry. You're not as bad as him, but I do still expect more out of you. I'm disappointed."

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