Chapter Thirty-Seven - Eian

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For the most part, Eian kept to himself during the council. There were events scheduled to encourage mingling of the tribes. Dinners, games, and so on. Eian had never found sports interesting to begin with. He went for the sake of encouraging unity, but he kept to the sidelines, observing. Day five of the council. In the morning, he'd be flying back home. And he was so ready to leave. The council wasn't what he'd been hoping for.

Almost all of the smiles worn by the council goers seemed forced. I don't know why I'm so surprised. There's a lot of talk about: being one species, but I don't think any tribe believes in what they're saying. He watched an Oceina kick a ball toward a Terran. They ran across the field toward the net on the other side. The game field itself was located in front of the main hall. Eian liked being there best, at the center of all the action. He leaned against a tree, and watched the players laugh. Okay, someone is having some fun.

When his cellphone rang, he was happy for the interruption. She's actually calling...oh. He was surprised at how disappointed he was to see Navi's name on the caller ID. Normally, he was thrilled she had time to chat. She only does it when she wants something from me. No way she's just "checking in."

"Hello," he said.

"Eian, are you alone?" Navi asked.

He casually moved away from the game, leaving the courtyard, and finding a random path to roam on. "I am now."

"I need to ask you a favor."

Thought so. Why did he feel so bitter? "Ask."

"A hunt is on for an Oceina spy."

"Generally, having those around isn't a good thing," Eian stated.

"Normally, I would agree, and I wouldn't care so much. This spy, however, has some crucial information about what your father is up to. It's not good stuff."

"Like what?" Eian lowered his voice despite his being alone. If the Oceina had spies in Inero, there could easily be more lurking about the island. Any of the nations could be following him around. He wasn't interesting, but he was one of the Touched, one of the favorites. Those two facts alone made him an appealing target on paper.

Navi took a while to reply. He could hear talking in the background, though he couldn't make out who was involved or what they were saying. Navi must have moved because the background grew quiet again. "There's been a surplus of weapons made for one. Terran men are being brought into the country and later found dead. He's stealing their magic. Somehow he's taking it from them and putting it into these weapons and...I'm scared." She whispered the last two words. "I can't let the guards find this spy. The world needs to know what Lynx is doing."

"What does this have to do with me?" Eian asked, not wanting to agree with her—afraid to. Her news plagued his moral conscience too much for him to ignore it. Then it dawned on him. "You are with the...him."

"Yes," she said, still whispering. "I hate even calling to talk to you about it. If you and Camila were...connected...I'd have gone that route, but you're not. It can't wait until you get back. Hopefully, no one is listening in. We're at the house. Camila seemed to think it wasn't tapped."

Yet. If I give Father enough reasons, I'm sure it will be soon. "As far as I know, it's not. You'll find out if guards come banging on the door, right?"

"Your jokes are always so awful."

"Wasn't trying to be funny." He tightened his jaw. "Why can't you sneak him out?"

Navi huffed. "You know, I thought about that, long and hard. Problem is, your father is expecting me to be in the castle or at your house the entire time he's gone. If I leave the city, let alone go toward the border, he's going to flip his lid and send an army after me because he thinks I'll be running away. Then it's game over for our guy. Lynx doesn't care what happens to you."


"You know what I mean."

No, actually, I don't. Eian bit his lip. "Still not making a convincing argument."

"All you have to do is tell your father you need to have a getaway with Camila. She's homesick, take her to the farm, let her family see she's okay, and set our guy free while you're up there."

He sighed. "Great, in theory, but the farm isn't that much closer to the border."

"Figure it out."

"It's your idea. You figure it out."

Navi actually growled. He'd never heard her sound so angry before in his life. "Fine, I'll have a plan set up for when you get back tomorrow. If we can make it through the night, then I know we're safe."

"And if not?"

"I'll take all of the blame. Camila is already chewing out Chris over the idea. She's not happy."

Good, I'm glad she sees how crazy this is too. But if Navi is right, this is one of those things I can't just ignore. Or can I? Why did the responsibility have to fall on his shoulders? "Whatever you do, be careful."

"I will."

"We should be back by nightfall tomorrow."

"Thank you, I owe you one."

"Mm-hmm." They hung up. Eian put his phone back into his pocket then ran a hand through his hair. She never asked me for a favor. She just took it. He wasn't too sure how to feel about that.

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