Chapter Thirty-Six - Rei

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She didn't receive a phone call from Matt until right before bed. Rei had crawled under the covers, turned off the light, and did her best to be strong and not worry about him. She knew he could take care of himself, and she knew he loved her. He wasn't always good at expressing it, but she could feel it in her heart. So why worry? Rei did it anyway. All of the work he's doing. It's so much. Does he ever get a break? What if he's exhausting himself? When the phone rang, her entire body relaxed.


"Yeah," he said with a quiet laugh. "You weren't sleeping were you? I was going to call earlier, but it was such a busy day. Then when I had a moment, it was late here. I needed to rest. Almost did it a few hours ago during dinner, then I thought it probably not a good idea to interrupt you from your love affair with food."

"I wasn't sleeping. I promise. Even if I was, I wouldn't mind." She was just happy to hear his voice. His real voice, and not simply whatever random thoughts happened to pass her way throughout the day. What meant most was the gesture of him calling. Because he didn't have to. He chose to take time from his schedule to connect with her. That alone spoke volumes.

He grew quiet. If he was thinking, she wasn't allowed to know what. Finally, he said, "I miss you."

Every doubt Rei had disappeared with those three words. His tone was light and sincere. For the first time since they were wed, he reminded her of the guy she'd met a year ago. The part of him she'd been scared of leaving her forever.

"I miss you too," she said.

"You're doing okay though, right? Navi and Camila are treating you well?"

Rei rolled her eyes, and snorted. "Yes, when they have time for me, they are nice."

"What do you mean when they have time for you? I thought you were hitting it off well with everyone at the pool."

"They give off the impression that they'd rather be doing other things than talking with me whenever I come by." Rei waved a hand, even if he couldn't see it. "Or rather Navi would rather be doing other things, and Camila is following along. Probably because she's scared. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I've been nurturing my other friendships and they're treating me well. Lenora is the best."

He let out a heavy breath. "I'm sorry. Not that Lenora isn't the best, I agree. Just was hoping you'd make friends with the other two know, who they're married to."

"You don't need to apologize. I still like Camila, a lot. Don't worry. Your dreams of having double dates with Eian aren't shattered. Even Navi is nice...ish? We just don't have a lot in common. Even when I see them alone together at the pool, I don't see a lot of talking going on between the two. They're always reading. It happens." That's what she told herself, at least. It helped the rejection hurt less. Even if she did have other friends, Camila was supposed to be her closest sister-in-law. Shouldn't they be bonding a lot more? We could if I could get Navi to release her claws from around her.

"So things are still going great with Lenora and her crew?"

"Yeah, today we went shopping for new dresses for your father's birthday party next month. Don't tell him, it's a surprise." She giggled. "We'll probably get different ones later. That was just the excuse we used to justify buying cocktail dresses. She doesn't think we need an excuse, but you know me and money."

He laughed. "I know, it's new for you. You'll get used to it. Use me for an excuse if you want. I wouldn't mind you wearing a pretty dress on a whim."

"Funny, Lenora said the same thing."

"She knows me well. Closest thing to a mom I've ever had. I just don't want you to miss out on having a real friendship with her because of your age difference. You know?"

Rei snuggled into her pillow. "I have younger friends too. We're not quite as close, but we'll get there. This stuff takes time. But I like that she feels like a mother to me too, you know?"


She frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"No, this is good. For a long time she's helped to keep me grounded. I can see why Father is still hung up on her, but you didn't hear that from me." Matt paused. "Things are complicated between her and Navi because of that. Don't get caught up in the middle of their drama. It's not worth it. Okay? Anyway, I'm guessing you're spending time with Tiffy and Ariana as well then too?"

"Yes, I told you. I'm making lots of friends," Rei said, now smiling. He remembered, he paid attention. "They're still coming out of their shells. You know? All of this is new to them too. Which is why it's great to have Lenora and some of the older women around. Especially her, though."

"I know you've always wanted that kind of a bond." He chuckled. She loved hearing his laugh. Especially when it sounded so real. Before he left, every other time he'd done it, he sounded stiff and forced.

She sighed happily. Everything was getting back on track. "I like having a mom again." When my real mom was mentally present, she wasn't all too bad.

"We could visit yours if you—"

"No, I don't want to go back ever again," she said. "I'm fine leaving all of that behind. My parents wanted me to be an Elite. I am one now. I doubt they're missing me much. Dad made it clear to never return."

"Right," he whispered. "I forgot about that. If my father was using me for his own personal gain, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with him either. This is good, then. I mean, that you're getting everything you need here. Lenora's always had that quality about her. Selfless, and she doesn't have to be. You know?"

Rei nodded in agreement, then remembered she was on the phone. He couldn't see her. "I was thinking the same thing. So it's all going well even if you're gone. Again. But I still miss you. It's an adjustment, but one that's good for me in a lot of ways. Good for us. I know you've wanted this."

"Wanted what exactly?"

"Time for yourself." She bit her lip. She had caught the occasional thought from him, expressing joy in having a bit of freedom. Those thoughts were part of the reason she had been worried to begin with. "Why didn't you say something?"

"Can we talk about this when I get home?" She heard him yawn. "I'm not quite ready to have this conversation."

"You're copping out." "I don't have much of a choice. I can't make you talk if you don't want to." Though she made no effort to hide how much it hurt her.

"I'm not. I'm just not ready." "You always have a choice. I'd just appreciate doing this in person."

Rei pursed her lips together, determined to keep her tone even—to keep calm. Because she was close to giving him a real piece of her mind. He didn't deserve a tongue lashing just because she didn't like having a lack of resolution. "I'll let you go. I'm tired anyway. Thank you for calling. I mean that."

"I'll call again soon, and earlier. I promise."

She closed her eyes, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. We can talk again, but we'll just have that big elephant in the "room" until he gets home. Great, just what I want. Why can't we get it over with already and move on? So much easier. She didn't get it, and she was too tired to keep fighting him on the matter. "All right, have a good day then."

"Sleep well. Rei, I..."


"I'll call you first thing in the morning." "I'll try to find the words by then."

Flame Touchedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें