Chapter Thirty-Five - Matteo

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He hated lying to his brother, no doubt about it. Matt felt nauseated to the point of pain. But he promised his father that he wouldn't tell a soul, including Eian. Besides, he didn't believe anyone would understand—especially not his twin. Not yet at least. There was still too much that needed to be done before they could unite the nation for the cause. Matt himself didn't understand everything, so how was he supposed to explain it in the first place? It would be better once he had more answers, more clarity, and he would be getting that soon. There would be another meeting with the prophet in the middle of the night. Risky, given they were in the middle of the Dragon Council.

Sneaking out of the room was much easier than he anticipated. As he quietly made his way through the suite, he could hear Eian engrossed in a conversation on his phone. Matt slipped out the front door. The halls were empty, but that didn't surprise him. Almost everyone was sleeping, or at the very least in their room. It was the middle of the night on the island where the council was held. Most had some kind of jet lag to fight.

Outside the housing complex, everything was peaceful and still. He could hear the crickets singing, and a few fireflies glowed in the distance. He didn't have the best night vision, so he conjured up a small flame in the palm of his hand to use as a guide as he walked along the path which would lead him to the Grand Hall. At the risk of being caught, he stayed off of the paved sidewalks with the guide lights just in case he was seen by someone from another tribe out and about.

At first, Matt worried the doors would be locked and he would have to break in. They weren't though, and he strolled into the building with confidence, wanting to put on the impression he was there for a purpose rather than mischief just in case anyone happened to see him enter. This is the worst place for a private meeting. I don't know what Father is thinking. He said to trust him, so that's what I have to do. The lights were already on, and he couldn't help but wonder what was going on exactly. Despite the lack of cover, he felt the need to tiptoe through the hallway anyway—if only to not disturb the quiet surrounding him.

He was told to go to the main hall where the meetings were held. Upon entering the grand room, he discovered it pitch black aside from one small flame which his father held in his hands. The flame Matt created before returned once more, and he used it to see his way down the stairs.

"Father?" Matt called quietly, not wanting to startle the man by joining him unannounced.

"I'm here," Lynx said and raised his hands to his face. The fire illuminated it, and Matt could see he was smiling. Matt couldn't remember the last time he'd seen a genuine smile on the man's face. They were starting to become few and far between.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Matt asked quietly. He stopped a foot away from the man and raised a curious eyebrow. The last thing he wanted was for either of them to get into trouble. There was more than enough of that going around for his people. They didn't need more just yet. Every one of their plans would go a lot smoother the longer they stayed in the dark.

Lynx nodded and waved for his son to sit down on the floor. Matt did so, his body shaking slightly from nerves. Soon, his father sat across from him.

"We are fine so long as we don't leave a mess," his father explained. "The buildings for the council are always open for use, outside of the library of course, but only the great lords and priests may enter there. We are trusting of our kin."

Funny he would say that, given how much hatred he held for the Oceina tribe. Matt didn't question him on the matter. It wasn't his place to doubt—only obey. He stared at his father expectantly, his eyes wide with curiosity.

In the light of the fire, his father appeared so much younger than he actually was. His eyes were filled with an intense determination, and his jaw was tight and firmly in place. A few strands of his chin length black hair fell in front of his face and for a moment, Matt didn't recognize him. He looked almost sinister. Lynx was driven and dead set in his ways. The rules he made were enforced strictly, but all for the greater good. What Matt saw in the man in front of him, however, was evil. It caused him to shudder.

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