Chapter Thirty-Nine - Camila

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Navi was out of her mind thinking it was a good idea to keep the Oceina spy in Camila's house. The door hadn't been plowed down, yet. Guards could still be coming. There's no way I'll be able to sleep tonight. Eian being gone didn't help. She missed his ever present calm. If he had been home, she doubted Navi would have tried to use their house as a hiding place to begin with.

All Camila could do was pace her kitchen. She'd been up all night, unable to rest. Her stomach was far too wound up to allow it. Chris had taken the spy down to the basement storage room. She was done verbally fighting, so she showed her displeasure to Navi by walking the length of the room, repeatedly. Navi kept her gaze glued to her cellphone. And then it rang.

"Hello, darling. You didn't wake me. I've been anticipating your return for hours." The woman's gaze grew cold, but when she answered there was a lightness to her tone. "No, I'm not in the castle. Poor Camila was feeling lonely and lost without Eian home, so I decided to stay with her until he returned. We're going to surprise him with food." She giggled in a high pitched, air-headed sort of way. "You're so funny! Do you want me back now?" Navi rolled her eyes, but she never dropped the act with her voice. "Oh, how frightening! I'll have Chris escort me right away! No, I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I'm with you." She gagged herself with her index finger.

Camila faced away from her, not wanting to laugh. I'm still mad at you. The front door opened and closed. Her entire body became stiff as she listened to firm footsteps cross the foyer. Navi gazed at the kitchen entryway. When Eian walked in, they both let out a sigh. Holding up a finger to urge him to stay quiet, Navi left the room.

"It's only me," he said. "Were you expecting someone else?"

"Royal Guard."

"Nah, they'd just knock the door down." He shrugged as if it were no big deal. "Father has no idea where the spy is. Even if he wanted to keep it from me, he wouldn't be able to. I could tell, and he wouldn't call his wife. He'd have picked her up himself."

Camila took a few slow breaths in an attempt to calm her pounding heart. "Right, of course. Was your ride back pleasant?"

"We had a good current, or so I'm told. I don't understand how flying works. Smooth, though. Less bumps on the way back." He gave her a small smile. "Can we go outside to talk? There's something I want to show you."

She scoffed. "Now? Aren't there patrols or whatever out there?"

"Now. They're around, but not too many. Not the good ones. We need to talk in private." He shifted his weight between his feet. "It's almost sunrise, so it's a good time to go. I'll make some tea if you want to change quickly." His gaze roamed over her, and she remembered she had on her sleep-clothes still.

"It's dark out."

"Is it? I couldn't tell."

She groaned. "Fine, I'll be right back." Camila went upstairs to slip on a sweatshirt. She ran her hands over her face, her body finally feeling tired for the first time in hours. Sleep had only visited her for a brief period, and that had been ages ago.

Back in the kitchen, she found him waiting with a backpack and a thermos.

"Get your shoes on," he said. She did so, making sure he could see her eyes rolling. It didn't seem to bother him much, because he started to smirk. "I forgot you're not a morning person."

"It's dark out. I wouldn't consider this morning," she replied. Once her sandals were clasped, she placed her hands on her hips. "Did I mention how I've been awake for a while anyway? Hard to sleep when every sound makes you paranoid."

"Hopefully, this will help you rest easier."

"Care to share?" she grumbled.

"Not here, that would defeat the purpose of leaving the house," he explained. He offered her his hand. "It's only a short walk, I promise."

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