"Uhm, yeah... See you in geometry, Sadie." Lydia and Malia give me final suspicious looks before turning around and disappearing around the corner.

I can't even look at him. If I do, he might just end up on the news.

I nearly flinch as I feel one of his hands firmly press on my shoulder.
"Walk," he says.
"Screw you," I snap and shake myself from his grip.

I've only walked a few steps when he grabs my shoulder again and yanks me to the right, into the boys' locker room. He raises his eyebrows at me while leaning against the wall, very obviously trying to make himself appear intimidating.


I start feeling sick again.

"You didn't seem very trustworthy back there, Sadie," he says in that playful, sinister voice of his. "Mind telling me what happened?"

His tone is suggestive. He knows that I almost lost it. He just wants to hear me say it, to hear me admit that I was weak.

"I nearly blurted it out. Happy? You want the satisfaction of me admitting it?"
"No, I want you to apologise. And then ask for forgiveness."

Now I'm just embarrassed for him. There's no way he replayed that sentence in his head and then thought to himself: Yeah, I'll say that out loud. Scare the shit out of her.

I nearly burst out laughing.

"Do I need to make it clear again that I'm not your damn puppet? If you want someone to beg you for mercy, go talk to one of your chimeras."

His eyes turn dark and he clenches his jaw. It's the most satisfying thing, seeing how much that remark is upsetting him. Such broad shoulders and such a fragile ego.

And it's even more satisfying to know that he won't be underestimating me anymore. He wanted me to ask for his forgiveness so he could pose as the superior, but that's the only reason behind it. And I'm not falling for that.

I would continue talking if I weren't in school, but unfortunately, I am. Shooting him one more glance, I turn around and make my way to the door.

"Hey," he calls.

"Can we not do this right now?" I demand as I turn back around, "Look, I get it. You can ruin my life, great. But I'm late for class and so are you."
"I took care of that already," he dismisses and takes a step towards me.

"I just called the principal and said your car broke down and I needed to help you tow it."
I turn my head and furrow my brows. "That's highly suspicious."
"I don't have a car."
"The school doesn't know that."

I close my eyes and sigh at a sudden headache hitting me. If Theo is going to get involved whenever he can, my life is going to be a mess- even more of a mess than it already is.

"You can't do this."
"Do what?"
"Involve me in every single act you want to commit," I snap at him, to which he raises his eyebrows and smiles.

"You're part of Scott's pack, so you're part of this anyway. But involved? You think this is bad? You're not involved at all, Sadie. You know nothing. Not yet, at least. When I decide to involve you, that's where the fun really begins."

"You can't do this," I repeat, clenching my fists again.
"Go on," he looks me straight in the eyes, "Try and stop me. I dare you."
"Maybe I can't stop you. But I can get out of this mess, and I can do that behind your back."
"You can. But once I find out, someone else is going to have to pay the price." That sinister, suggestive smirk reappears on his face as he tilts his head slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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