🖤part ten🖤

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Leo's POV In the days that followed, I felt myself growing more and more comfortable in our temporary quarters

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Leo's POV
In the days that followed, I felt myself growing more and more comfortable in our temporary quarters. The people here were friendly and very helpful whenever my brothers and I got lost. They treated us like actual guests, rather than a zoo attraction, which was a refreshing change from the police force. I had always played along and pretended that it didn't irk me when they showed my brothers and I to the new recruits like we were some rare creature to use as a trump card.

Oh wait...that's exactly what we were to them. At least this mission they had sent us on had given us a chance to rest and-

I jolted upright in my futon as a startling realization came to my mind. We had mentioned the Foot clan only once to Ryuko, but no one else knew that they were on their way!

Ignoring how late it was, I grabbed one of the kimonos that my brothers and I had been provided in place of our ninja gear, and ran out the tree quarters into the dark forest. The Daimyō needed to know that the Foot clan was on their way!

I rushed through the forest, ignoring the chilling silence. The shadows seemed so much more daunting here than in the City, where there was always a sort of background noise buzzing in my back of my ears. Here, it was just deadly quiet, broken only by the haunting cry of an owl.

It didn't take long for the palace to come into view. All the lights were off, except for one. It looked approximate to Ryuko's room, and I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she may be up still. She would help me talk to the Daimyō much easier than if I just barged in.

But, when I ran up to the grand doors and tried to push them open, they would not budge, not even to my enhanced strength. I grumbled low in my throat as I realized they must be locked at night...but what for? What did the Daimyō have to fear within his own clan?

"She is dangerous...a monster..." Ryuko's words from the hot spring echoed in my head, sending a chill down my spine. Although I hadn't seen the mystery mutant again since that day, I always had my eye out for a glimpse of those grey-blue scales, hoping I may have a chance to speak with her in person and find out exactly why she was so feared for myself.

I shook my head quickly to clear it. My priority right now was not the mutant, but finding a way to talk to Ryuko and to get her let me speak to the Daimyō.

Looking around, I saw no trees or poles nearby to scale to reach her window, but the stones that created the palace looked climbable enough, with deep enough grooves between each one to accommodate my fingers enough grip.

I grunted in approval and rolled up my sleeves before I began to climb, hooking my fingers and toes into the grooves to lift myself up slowly, scaling the wall with relative ease.

'If any enemies came this far into the clan they could very easily infiltrate this place,' I thought to myself as I kept my focus on the glowing light coming out the window above me.

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