🖤part five🖤

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The Daimyō's chamber was enormous and grandly decorated with rich reds and vibrant golds

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The Daimyō's chamber was enormous and grandly decorated with rich reds and vibrant golds. Tapestries telling the history of our clan hung from the walls, the satin they had been embroidered on shimmering like dragon scales. There was a wall decorated purely with a multitude of Kabuki masks, their grinning, crying, and frowning faces seeming to watch us as we entered. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride that I was the one to show these turtle brothers this wonderous place, and I sincerely hoped that they could stay so I could show them just how beautiful and grand our clan truly was.

My feet whispered against the soft carpet that led to the Daimyō's throne. Currently, he was deep in conversation with his most trusted advisor, the beautiful Misaki. I had always been envious of her...her long black hair that always fell perfectly about her shoulders, her perfect oval face, her dark doe eyes that could make any man or woman that fell into their pools drown in her seduction and beauty with no effort. Even her lips were perfect, round and always painted a soft pink to look like the delicate Sakura petals that fell from the trees in spring.

As we approached, I motioned for the brothers to hang back and stood forward, waiting for the Daimyo to take notice of my presence. Obviously, Misaki was here first so her conversation was top priority.

"Who is that?" the red-masked one whispered close to my ear, making me nearly jump out of my skin. For such a large, burly fellow, he certainly was quiet when he wanted to be.

"Misaki, the Daimyō's advisor and the best Kabuki warrior in the clan," I whispered back softly.

"I don't give a shit about that, I meant the old guy. Is he the Daimyō?" he growled.

Despite my best efforts I could not help but raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Well...yes. If anyone else sits in his chair they would be sorely punished."

"Good," he grunted, then pushed past me and stormed up the steps before I had a chance to realize how brash he was being.

"Wait, stop-!"

"Oi! You the big guy that runs this joint?" he demanded loudly, the volume of his voice echoing through the halls and making me wince with how loud he sounded.

"Raphael!" the blue-masked one blurted, rushing past me to try and stop his brother. Fuck, not him too! Before I knew it, the other two had rushed past me as well, following their leader.

"Nah, Leo, we deserve some damn answers, and if that lady won't give em to us, then buddy here will!" Raph snapped at his brother before glaring at the Daimyō.

I saw the look in Masaki's eye before she moved like a viper striking, unsheathing her blade. I knew I had to act, and darted forwards, unslinging my sheath from my waist.

"Move, you oaf!" I barked at Raphael, shoving him aside with my body before Misaki could reach him, her blade instead reaching me, slashing through the sleeve of my yukata. I cursed myself for being so rash as I felt the bite of her blade in my flesh.

"Ryuko! What is the meaning of this?" Misaki hissed at me, her perfect lips curling back to snarl at me.

Ignoring the blood soaking through my sleeve, I purposely put myself between Misaki and the turtles in case she decided to attack again. "They are not enemies. They are simply lost and want answers. They are not used to our ways."

I turned my attention to the Daimyō and bowed my head in respect. "Please forgive them, Daimyō. If there is to be a punishment allow me to take it in their stead. It was my carelessness that caused them to act so rashly."

The Daimyō raised his hand, bidding me to rise. I did so without further comment, although I prayed to the great gods above that the turtles would remain silent for now.

"These must be the outsiders," Misaki realized aloud, slowly lowering her blade. "The kappa!"

"Not kappa," I gently corrected her before gesturing to the brothers. "Genetically mutated brothers. They are no demon."

Misaki turned up her nose at me slightly, "Good...one is already far too many for this clan."

I gritted my teeth and simply nodded to her, before once more looking at the Daimyō.

"Ryuko..." the Daimyō hummed, his rough voice, hoarse from years of barking orders, sounded more gravely than usual. "I put you in charge of making sure our unique guests recovered from the tranquilizer. This outburst was your folly."

I nodded submissively, understanding that a punishment was to follow. I only hoped that it wouldn't be too severe.

"You are to be-"

"Wait wait! She did nothing wrong!" Leonardo's quick protest startled me and I quickly turned my head to see him step forward.

"Ryuko was simply following orders. My brothers and I do not know your customs, and we were told that you had answers for us. I apologize for our brash action, but do not peg the blame on her."

Although I wasn't ungrateful for the blue-masked turtle's plea for my case, I couldn't help but hiss at him to shut it under my breath.

But, he kept going, standing beside me firmly. "My brothers and I will take whatever punishment is due, but first, if we could get some answers, we would be more at ease. We've come a very long way, and much has happened to us in the past few hours."

Misaki narrowed her eyes again and I tensed my shoulders, ready to yank the turtle out of the way of another imminent attack.

However, to my surprise Misaki did not attack this time. Rather, she hummed and seemed to be scrutinizing him, looking him up and down carefully.

"Very well," the Daimyō's voice made us all snap our attention back to him. "The turtle creatures shall have whatever answers they desire, but I shall waive the punishment in light of the fact that you four are not from our world. It would not be honorable to strike our guests...Misaki."

Misaki bowed her head sheepishly, sheathing her blade at her hip.

I too, bowed my thanks to the Daimyō, and lightly tapped Leo on the arm, signalling for him to do the same.

"We thank you for your generosity and mercy, Daimyō," he bowed his head, his brothers hesitantly doing the same.

"I will appoint Ryuko, as you four are more acquainted with her, to answer your questions," his order surprised me and I sharply looked up, my eyes widening. I didn't want to question his judgement, but the turtles didn't seem to be exactly fond of me, as Leo's tension only proved my suspicion.

"Is there an issue, Ryuko?" Misaki purred, flashing me a sickeningly sweet smile.

I shook my head firmly, reigning my emotions back in control. "No, of course not, Daimyō. I shall make sure the brothers are comfortable and their questions are answered to their satisfaction."

"Good," the Daimyō sat back in his chair, rapping his finger on the arm of it. "You are all dismissed."

I bowed once again and quickly led the turtles out of the grand hall, feeling Misaki's insolent smirk following me the whole way out.

As the doors shut behind us, the four turtle brothers turned to look at me, looking at me with suspicion. This was certainly going to be interesting.

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