🖤part six🖤

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*Leo's POV*

As Ryuko led us out of the palace back into the gardens, I couldn't help but feel concerned for her

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As Ryuko led us out of the palace back into the gardens, I couldn't help but feel concerned for her.  From what my brothers and I had observed, Ryuko was not very well-treated here. The blood on her sleeve was a gruesome testament to that. I was surprised she hadn't made any comment on her injury even after that woman slashed her. It made me feel like perhaps I had misjudged her previous demeanor as cold. Perhaps she had to be...

Sighing through my nose, I quickened my pace to walk beside Ryuko and waited for her to acknowledge my presence.

She flicked her eyes in my direction briefly, then returned her attention to the path ahead. "Wait until we are someplace more secluded and I shall answer your questions, Leonardo."

"Ryuko..." I glanced at her arm, trying to subtley convey my concern. "Shouldn't you get that looked at first?"

"It is not a deep wound," her nonchalance took me by surprise. "Besides, my orders are to care for the four of you first. Any of my needs are moot until your questions are answered, and I have shown you your temporary residencies."

I narrowed my eyes slightly. That just didn't sit right with me. Sure, I'd neglected my own injuries to put my brothers first in some situations, but we were strangers, and Ryuko was just expected to walk off a slashed arm like nothing and treat us like grand guests?

"What if we asked you to tend to your arm first?"

"I would respectfully decline," she was brushing my concerns aside like they were nothing, and it was pissing me the hell off.

"Ryuko-" I began, ready to berate her like I scolded Mikey for making himself sick by eating too much pizza, when she turned off the path, heading down a little dirt trail.

"This way," she called, waving for us to follow.

I clenched my fists as my brothers walked by, following Ryuko.

"I swear to God that woman drives me insane."

"She's an emotionally unavailable ninja with a tough guy complex," Raph stated as he passed me, shrugging his broad shoulders. "Do you really expect anything else?"

I snorted, walking along beside him. "That's rich, considering someone like you made that observation."

"Hey, it's just what I've observed," he snorted, nudging me with his elbow. "But she's not bad...I mean, she did take a hit for me."

"Don't get cocky now," a smirk played at my lips. "She probably didn't want to get into shit for letting an 'esteemed guest' get hurt by another crazy lady."

"True," Raph chuckled, putting his hands behind his head. "She did force me to puke my guts out though."

I scoffed, jabbing him in the ribs with my elbow. "You did that to yourself by being rude, you knucklehead."

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