🖤part one🖤

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*Author's Note: This takes place a few years after the events of the 2016 movie 'Out of the Shadows'. All characters in this book are adults*
It had been a couple of years since the last big attack that the Ninja Turtles had averted from destroying the world. Said attack being Kraang and his warship. Since he'd left, not even Shredder had seemed to poke his spiky head out of his hole to cause trouble. The Foot clan was in disarray, and the Turtles were helping the police hunt down the remainder of their organization to bring them to justice.
Just as the Chief of Criminal Investigation had promised them, the Turtles remained unknown to the public, but their good friend April O'Neil made sure she mentioned them anonymously as helping bystanders in her news reports.
Yes, life was simple at last, and the Turtles felt at ease with their new life, working alongside the police to help their beloved city.
Or they felt they should be at ease

*Leo's POV*
I was restless. My brothers and I had been working with Rebecca Vincent (Chief of Criminal Investigations) for so long now that when a call for assistance came through, it felt like second nature to answer. But lately, I felt we were being called for riskier and riskier missions. Missions that were in daylight or involved the enemy with heavy weaponry. Sure, my brothers and I were bulletproof, but only to a certain extent. Things like rocket launchers? Yeah, try blocking that with your shell.
What bothered me the most was my brothers' lack of awareness of all this. They just wanted to feel seen and wanted, which I understood. I liked the praise that came with a job well done. It made me feel accomplished and proud to serve alongside the police force.
But deep down within my soul was a gnawing feeling that things weren't exactly all peachy keen for us. I had a sneaking suspicion that we were being used and were being seen as disposable. It troubled me deeply, but for the sake of my brothers' happiness, I refrained from voicing my concerns to anyone.

One particular evening, we got a call from Chief Vincent, once again asking for help... but this call was different...
I blinked at the phone as if the woman could see my confusion. "You want us to go to...Japan?"
"Yes," Vincent replied, as if this were an entirely normal request. "Several Foot soldiers were spotted sneaking onto a flight that travels to Japan. We fear they may be trying to recruit help from their place of origin."
"Is there any proof to back this up or just theories?" I narrowed my eyes slightly. This smelled awfully rank of a setup.
"I'd ask you not to question my authority, Leonardo, if you were nor a valuable asset to our team," Chief Vincent replied coldly. "If you must know, I have a man on the inside who overheard the conversation. They are indeed trying to recruit more soldiers from Japan."
"Why do you need us to do this?" I demanded, already hearing my brothers starting to pack up with excited fervor. Jumping ahead with no fear or thought, as usual.
"What do you think would happen if we sent US soldiers to track down the Foot clan? Suspicions would arise, and peace would be at risk," Chief Vincent explained in a matter-of-fact tone. "You and your brothers are the only ones who can sneak in and out of places undetected. You four are our only hope at preventing another violent uprising."
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I hated how much of a setup this sounded like, but the Chief wasn't giving us much of a choice.
"Alright, we'll go. But before I hang up, is there any more information you can give us?"
"Actually, there is one more thing," she answered. "There was mention of a second clan they wanted to recruit from. The Kabuki clan. I would suggest reaching the Foot before they can reach this other clan."
"Understood," I grunted and hung up, setting the phone back on its stand.
I headed out to the main room of our lair to see my brothers have already packed several bags in their excitement.
"I can't believe we're going to Japan!" Mikey cheered, throwing clothes in another bag with reckless abandon. "Think of all the cool sights! The food! The culture!"
Despite myself, I couldn't resist a small smile. Japan had always fascinated me as well, and although we were only going to be there on business, I wouldn't deny I was also excited to see the sights and maybe explore the culture.
"It will be a journey to remember," I smirked, snatching a shirt out of his hands. "But we should pack light. I doubt Chief intends us to stay long."
"Buzzkill," Raph snorted, whacking me on the head with a pillow.
I spat out a feather and shoved him slightly with a grin,"I'm not being a buzzkill! You damn well know I'm right."
"Leo's got a point," Donnie came out of his room with a simple carry on bag. "I don't think you need your gaming system, Mike."
Mikey grumbled under his breath, slowly setting his controller down. I wasn't surprised he was trying to bring it with. Our little brother was addicted.
"Besides," I added, trying to lighten his mood. "How can you experience the beauty of Japan when your eyes are glued to a screen?"
Mikey seemed to consider it again, then put his system away with a much happier attitude. "Do you think Japanese women are hot?"
My brothers and I all face-palmed. Of course, that would be one of the first things he thought of...
"Let's just pack and go," I shook my head and headed to my bedroom to pack. This was certainly going to be a memorable journey.
I just didn't realize yet how memorable it was going to be.

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