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Day 5

"Hey up little kitty ."


I cuddled up more wanting to drift to sleep .

I heard kakashi sigh . " If you don't get up then we will be late ."

"You are always late kashi ...." I turned around snuggling more holding the pillow tight .

I felt Kakashi bend so close . He whispered ." If you don't get up then you will miss the last onsen and also I am sure sasuke will be ready before you.  "

I got up whining about kakashi logic though it sounded pretty reasonable . I got and walked through the room to bathroom swaying  right and left .

"I left your clothes there . Dont sleep again ." Kakashi said in stern voice which I ignored royally .


After getting ready all the four of us were again in other gate of hishimura facing the mountain we have to climb to reach onisato on the other side .  It was big . Very big and majestic ... my heart pounded hard . I felt presence of lots of dangerous wild animals . The mountain had a intense dark presence .

"It big isn't it. " Kakashi said in a mused voice looking at me . Talking a step forward . I followed him .

Sakura was gawking at the mountain . Her hands trembling a bit . Sasuke took sakura with him and nudged a bit making both of them to follow us in a little distance. 

"Yes it is very massive . Hope we get through this without any incident . "

I never left konoha other than to wave before . Walking through different terrain was sure daunting . My mind was mess thinking of all the negative possiblities  . My heart pounded hard another part of me was different .

I heard a sigh and looked at Kakashi who gave me a ridiculous look . " You look like a crazy maniac who found a interesting exciting puzzle . "

"What ??? " I asked in confusion . Here I am wrecking my mind in anxiously . He is telling me I am maniac seriously .

" You seriously didn't recognise till now did you . Your eyes are twinkling . What you feel is not anxiety and fear kitty , it what you crave , you crave for change and dangerous situation kitty . That's why I can't leave you alone ." Kakashi said as if he was tired . Still leading us in front

"Kakashi you dont make any sense you know . " I said really not getting his point .

He looked back at me motioning me to come forward to match his pace .

"Tsubaki ..... Have you noticed you always do well in situations that doesn't give you time to think.  In fact to perform more efficiently when you are facing a difficult and time constricted situation . "

"Huh ??? " I thought of all the times it was true . I then thought of the situations when I messed up . Kakashi replied as if reading my mind.

"All the situations you messed it's probably because you set your own limitations . 'i can't do this . ' ' there is no way possible . ' and so on . Think about it . Aren't i right kitty ? "

I flinched a little . He was right . Kakashi was right . He still continued .

"How can the same person who performed better in even worse situation can't handle a situation less severe kitty . I am really conflicted if I should even let you recognise this . But you crave for dangerous situations tsubaki . Unknown doesn't scare you rather it excites you . "

"Kashi ... " 

I was in my thoughts . Its been a long time since I thought about myself . All this jinchuriki stuff and also my bday stunt . And now the beast clan stuff thinking about it i many things changed at rapid pace . I know things will change in future too .

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